Chapter 595

In the early morning, the sky is not yet bright, only a piece of hazy white.

Gong Liang got up early and took Yuan Gun Gun to Anu'er's house.

When he walked out of the inn, he saw spaceships floating in the sky above some people in the Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom. Knowing that the fleet was about to leave, he hurriedly walked forward.

When they arrived at Anu'er's house, their family was already waiting beside the airship in front of the door.

Gong Liang said shyly, "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, is it still early?"

Ah Han stepped into the spaceship with a smile, and Gong Liang quickly walked up with Yuan Roll.

The airship is like a crescent moon, with both ends pointing up and the middle sinking, the space is not very large.Ahan, Gongliang and fat Yuangun immediately crowded the spaceship to the brim.

Seeing that they were seated, Ahan pulled the rope of the round moon capsule, and the suspended spaceship slowly floated into the air.

Anu'er held her mother's hand and watched the spaceship rise slowly, and even waved to them and shouted: "Brother, Eleven Lang, Yuan Gun Gun, be careful."

Gong Liang waved to her, expressing that there is no need to worry.Yuan Gungun looked at it, and scratched Anu'er with his fluffy panda paws, which made Anu'er giggle.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and there are more and more spaceships floating over the Moon Mother and Daughter Country.

Finally, when a golden light shot down from the top of the mountain, the hovering spaceships seemed to be ordered, and one by one, one by one, one by one, they flew to the distance in an orderly manner, escaping into the vast mountains.

The round and fat buttocks filled the cabin, and the upper body protruded from the side of the ship. He turned his head and looked at the ground. He was terribly afraid, so he kept holding on to the spaceship with both hands, honestly, well behaved, and did not dare to move .

The speed of the hovering spaceship is not very fast, it slowly passes through the jungle and skims over the peaks.

Gong Liang looked up and saw that the chicken was soaring in the sky, as tiny as an ant, and he wouldn't know where it was if it wasn't through telepathy.

The chicks are older now and don't sleep with them at night.

It used to come back for every meal, but now it mostly hunts by itself, and only eats with Gongliang and the others at night.

I don't know if the blood contained in the fresh meat is more sufficient, the size of the chick has grown a bit, the strength has also increased, and even the sharp claws and beak have become a lot harder.

Ahan sat on the boat, staring at the fleet in front of him all the time, not even having the heart to appreciate the scenery.

Gong Liang carefully observed the airship, and found that the airship was indeed similar to the airship in the previous life. There was air on the balloon, but it was tightly tied, and no power device could be seen, and he didn't know how it flew.He also found that there was a rudder on the hovering spaceship, but it was very small, and it was tightly held by Ahan who was sitting at one end, and he adjusted the direction at any time to keep a distance from the fleet in front.

Flying forward for a few hours, a mountain valley suddenly appeared below like a crack in the ground.

On both sides of the canyon are vertical mountain walls, and there is no way to go.

The spaceship flew slowly towards the canyon, stopped in the sky, and began to descend.

The sun was shining brightly outside, but it was extremely cold in the canyon.Fortunately, this coldness is nothing to Gongliang, let alone Yuan Gungun, who is covered in thick down.

When the hovering spaceship was about to land in the canyon, Qiqi stopped, and Ahan took out a bundle of rope from the cabin and threw it down.

"Brother Gongliang, we are here, let's go down!"

After Ah Han finished speaking, he grabbed the rope and slid down.

Gong Liang looked at the spaceships parked in the canyon, and found that every spaceship stayed in this position.As far as the eye can see, there are ropes hanging from the spaceships hanging in the air, and boys and girls slide down, the scene is spectacular.

The rope did not drop directly to the bottom of the valley, but stayed at a distance from the bottom of the valley.

When the rope was almost at the end, Ahan suddenly grabbed the rope and swung, jumped forward, jumped onto the steep cliff, put his hands and feet on it, and ran down at high speed.

On the nearby cliff, people from the Moon Mother and Daughter Country were doing the same movements as Ah Han.

The difference is that most of them are girls, and there are only one or two men.

In this country, girls have a different resilience than boys in other countries.

Seeing Ahan landing on the ground, Gongliang picked up Yuan Gungun and jumped directly from the boat.According to his skill, even if he didn't use his true energy or borrow a rope, he would be fine if he jumped to the bottom of the valley.

Ah Han didn't feel any surprise when he saw Gongliang jumping directly from the top, because he was a barbarian and a practitioner.

He has seen the two desolate people guarding the temple, each of them is huge, and they can eat eight green mud in one meal.Sometimes if they don't eat green mud, they can eat up a ten-meter-long beast without leaving any bones.

When he reached the bottom of the valley, Gong Liang put Yuan Gun Gun down and turned his head to look around.

Although there is sunshine in the canyon, it is not strong, and some places are even dark.There are no thick trees or low shrubs at the bottom of the valley, only patches of green grass and piles of thick moss growing on the mountain walls.

The land at the bottom of the valley is a piece of fertile dark soil.

However, now on these fertile lands, huge potholes have been dug out, riddled with holes and very conspicuous.

There is the place where the green mud is dug.

Seeing that everyone who came down jumped into the pit, Ah Han said, "Brother Gongliang, let's go down too!"

Ahan took the lead in jumping down into a deep pit tens of meters deep, and Gongliang followed suit.

The pothole is about [-] meters deep, and the soil below is not like the black soil above, but dragon food green mud.

Gongliang took a look and found that the pit had faults at intervals, and it should have been dug for a long time. It is estimated that Ahan's ancestors had already dug here when they were alive.

Ah Han gave him a wooden bucket and a wooden shovel from the pit, and he took an old wooden shovel he had used before and buried himself in digging.

While digging, he said, "Brother Gongliang, if you want green mud, dig it quickly, if you don't want it, you can walk around, but don't leave too far away, lest I won't be able to come back when the big-headed monster comes. "

Gongliang wondered, "What big-headed monster?"

"I haven't seen it either. Everyone calls it that."

Ahan said: "If the big-headed monster comes, we have to hide, otherwise we will be caught and die. Some people thought that hiding in the pit was fine, but after the big-headed monster left, we came out of the hiding place , I saw that man was eaten to the bone. I heard from the seniors that those big-headed monsters are dragon soldiers. Because we secretly dig dragon food, we will send them out to patrol every day. If they are caught, they will be eaten. What’s more, every night in the canyon, there will be strong winds, and people will be blown away here, so we can only dig green mud during the day, and we have to leave when the sun is about to go down in the afternoon.”

Gongliang didn't expect such a thing to happen, but digging green mud is not the purpose of his coming here, he mainly came here to experience it.

Immediately, he talked to Ah Han, and planned to take a look nearby.

"Chichi, Chichi"

Suddenly, in the lantern that Ahan brought down, the god worm let out a rapid cry, and the light on its tail flickered on and off.

"Not good, a bunch of big-headed monsters are coming. Brother Gongliang, come with me quickly."

Ah Han immediately grabbed the lantern, quickly ran out of the pit, and climbed up the rock wall.

Seeing that he was so anxious, Gongliang quickly picked up Yuan Gungun and left.

Ahan jumped onto the rock wall, using both hands and feet, and within a short while, he climbed into a cave on the rock wall.

Gong Liang then followed in. The cave inside is so huge that it can hold tens of thousands of people without any problem.

When they entered the cave, a large group of people from the Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom climbed up from below.

After a while, when no one came up, the people of the Moon Mother and Daughter Country worked together to push a huge stone next to the entrance of the cave to block the entrance.

In an instant, the cave was plunged into darkness, only the lights of the gods and insects in the lanterns were flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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