Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 596 Yuan Chugu finally found the baby again

Chapter 596 Yuan Chugu finally found the baby again

The scorching sun was covered by a cloud, and the light in the cracked canyon instantly dimmed.

The cave where Gongliang was located was even more pitch black. If it wasn't for the light from the tail lights of the gods and insects, it would probably be very dark and frightening.But even though it wasn't scary at this time, the Moon Mother and Daughter in the cave still didn't dare to make a sound.

For a while, the cave was very quiet, only the sound of "boom, boom, boom" and the faint breathing could be heard.

Gongliang didn't know why these people were so scared, and also wanted to know what the big-headed monster Ahan was talking about, so he released his consciousness and looked out through the thick stone wall.

The Earth Fissure Canyon was also eerily quiet, as if feeling this breath, the grass at the bottom of the valley fell down.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in the distance, like the howling of the autumn wind, like the clear stream of water, like the sound of "crawling" when the wind blows the leaves.

Gongliang's spiritual consciousness penetrated the stone wall, spending a lot of mental energy, and he couldn't see things that were too far away. He could only see things at a distance of about 200 meters around him.And the chicken in the sky, because the bottom of the valley is too far away from the sky, it can't see anything clearly.

Although he couldn't see anything in the distance, Gong Liang's ears could hear the sound.

Yuan Gungun heard it too, and was curious, so he leaned over to the side of the blocked hole and listened.

Suddenly, it found a small crack on the side of the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave. It leaned against the cave wall and looked out through the gap.

"Hoo yo, huh huh, huh huh, huh huh"

The strange sound was getting closer and closer.

Suddenly, Gong Liang saw a large group of unknown monsters running across the canyon below the cave.The appearance of these things is very strange, with big heads and thin bodies, like skeletons covered in human skin, holding sticks or stones in their hands, and making strange noises from their mouths.

If it's just that, Gongliang won't feel weird.

The strangest thing was that he couldn't feel the weight from these things, nor could he feel any breath of life.

These monsters are like dead things, but they can obviously move.

So very weird, super weird.

There were so many of these monsters, and a large wave came from a distance, crowding the spacious ground crack canyon to the brim.

They not only run over, but also jump down to check every time they pass a pothole, and some even walk on the cliff to check.

Such behavior is obviously a manifestation of intelligence, but it is impossible to feel any vitality from them.

Gongliang murmured in his heart, could these things be ghosts?But it doesn't make sense, if the Yazi Beast Soul and Yanhuo on the ghost itself don't move, you must know that they like to eat those soul things the most.

Yuan Gungun leaned against the cave wall, squeezed hard against the edge of the stone crack, and looked out.

That posture, as if wishing to squeeze his big panda head into it.

A big-headed monster jumping on the rock wall seemed to sense that something was wrong with the hole blocked by the boulder, so it ran over to check.

Seeing that weird appearance, Yuan Gunguo was taken aback, and suddenly stepped back, opening his mouth to scream.

Gong Liang quickly blocked its mouth, signaling it not to bark.Yuan Gun Gun is also smart, and when he saw his appearance, he stopped.

The big-headed monster inspected the entrance of the cave, and beat around for a while with a wooden stick in its hand. After finding nothing wrong, it ran forward with the big-headed monster team.

Soon, a group of big-headed monsters ran across the valley floor below their cave.Although Gongliang didn't know how many of these things there were, but the dense appearance was at least tens of thousands.

Although the big-headed monster had already run over, the Moon Mother and Daughter Chinese in the cave didn't seem to want to leave, they still held their breath and looked nervously at the entrance of the cave.

Gong Liang was very surprised, and asked Ah Han, "Why don't you go out?"

When the people in the cave heard his voice, Qiqi looked at him.


When Ah Han heard what he said, his face turned blue with fright, and he quickly signaled Gongliang not to speak.

Gongliang felt strange, could there be a big-headed monster?Thinking about it, he looked out again.

Yuan Gungun was taken aback by the big-headed monster, he didn't dare to look any further, and leaned against him tightly to find a sense of security.

"Hoo yo, huh huh, huh huh, huh huh"

After a while, there was another strange sound, from far to near, and then Gongliang saw a large wave of big-headed monsters running across the valley below the cave.Only then did he realize that it wasn't that there were still monsters, but that the group in front had come back again.

I didn't expect these monsters to be so treacherous, and they would even make a move to return the carbine.

Judging from their performance, they should have intelligence, but they obviously have no life breath, no weight, and they are said to be ghosts, but Yazi and Yanhuo didn't respond.

Weird, too weird.

Gongliang was confused by these things.

But he has a good habit of putting aside things that he doesn't understand, so as not to waste his brains and gray hair, anyway, it's none of his business.

After the big-headed monster passed by for a while, the people from the Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom pushed away the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave together, and ran towards the hole they dug with green mud.Time waits for no one, they have to leave when it is almost dark, and they don't know if those big-headed monsters will come out to make trouble again, they must race against time to dig the green mud.

The Moon Mother and Daughter Country was built on the top of a high mountain, so there was no way to grow food, so the main food in the country was these green mud.

Once there is no green mud, they must go to the jungle to hunt or gather wild animals for food.

But there are countless dangers in the jungle, not to mention poisonous snakes, insects and ants, not to mention fierce beasts and birds, just the countless people-eating plants and swamp mud in the forest are enough for them to drink a pot.Moreover, the Moon Mother and Daughter Chinese are thin and weak, not as stout as the barren people, and they go hunting with many casualties.

Relatively speaking, although digging green mud in the canyon is a bit dangerous, it is much better than hunting in the jungle.

If they were diligent, the green mud dug in the canyon in one month would be enough for them to eat for a year.

Gong Liang left the cave, and he was not in a hurry to go back with Ah Han, but Teng Yun flew around the canyon.

The mother of the moon and the daughters of the country were busy digging the green mud. Although they saw him flying on it, no one cared about him.

However, Gong Liang didn't dare to go too deep into the bottom of the canyon, because that's where the big-headed monster came from.And when he was in the distance, he saw clouds and mist in front of him, and there seemed to be a thunderous tearing roar in the distance. It was an accident, so he didn't go there, and obediently returned to the place where Ah Han was digging the green mud.

In Moon Mother and Daughter Country, Qingni is just a general term.

In fact, there are two types of green mud, one is the most common green mud.

The other kind is better, that is the kind of green mud that Gong Liang saw that Ahan fed the god insects, with a slightly golden color.This kind of green mud is better for the body.But this kind of green mud is very rare, and it is only accidentally caught among many green muds, so Ahan can't dig it every time.

When he arrived at the place where Ah Han was digging the green mud, Gong Liang took a look and started digging.

Although the green mud couldn't be taken out of the Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom, he also wanted to dig some back to eat.This thing tastes good, and the most important thing is that it is good for the body.

He was digging the green mud, but Yuan Gun Gun was idle.

Bored, it wandered around in the pothole, occasionally urinating on pandas.Seeing Gongliang kicking it straight, this stupid thing, the green mud is for eating, and it pees here, isn't it seasoning for others?

After turning around, Yuan Gungun suddenly seemed to sense something, ran to a place far away from the pothole and smelled it, and then yelled, "Gongliang, there is a baby here."

When Gongliang heard this, he immediately ran over.

Goodness, this idiot finally found his treasure again.

 I finally found out why I haven't updated so much in the past two months, not only because of me, but also because of the weather here in Lijiang.Generally, I am used to writing at night, and it gets dark around 06:30 in my house.Although sometimes I am lazy during the day, I can update two chapters if I work harder at night.On the Lijiang side, it didn't get dark until 08:30, so I can only write one update at this time.A few days ago, it was said that there was no Kuangeng. I was embarrassed.have no choice.



(End of this chapter)

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