Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 69 The Return

Chapter 69 The Return


"Mumma, Muma, Muma"

"woo woo woo woo"

When approaching Yanbu, an old woman from Asabe fell down.

A little girl stepped forward and screamed, but she couldn't wake up her mother who usually loved her, so she burst into tears.This is not the first time this has happened.On the way, some old and infirm people couldn't stand the fatigue of the long journey and the sudden change of weather, so they fell down and never got up again.

The rushing team didn't have time to deal with it, so they wrapped the corpse in something, took it with them on the road, and waited until they returned to Yanbu.

Hearing the desolate cry, Gong Liang sighed helplessly, he didn't expect that when he was almost there, someone fell down.

Natural selection, the law of the jungle of the survival of the fittest is so cruel, it makes people helpless.

The Yanbu and Mabu people felt sad when they heard the crying, and they didn't know how many times this had happened.

But life has to go on. After sighing, they pack up their mood and continue on their way.

Three days after No.20 left Mabu, people from two tribes rushed to Yanbu.The extremely cold weather finally couldn't hold back, and it started to snow a little.

"Is this snow?" A Yanbu warrior next to Gongliang looked curiously at the snowflakes falling from the sky, couldn't help but open his mouth to catch it, chewed it a few times, and spit it out suddenly, "Bah, why is there no smell."

Gong Liang smacked his mouth, speechless.This thing is neither salt nor sugar, how could it have a taste?

Seeing someone eating snow, Yuan Gungun also foolishly stuck out his tongue to lick the snowflakes that fell on the ground, but he didn't know what he licked, and suddenly pouted wildly.That silly look is so cute.Gongliang took a look at the place it had licked, it was very good, there was a pile of unidentified poop, it was dark and very authentic.

Dan looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky, looked at the haggard-looking team after a long journey, and said to Erbo beside him: "You guys should live in Yanbu first! The rest will be discussed after this winter."

Erbo looked at the flying snowflakes and sighed helplessly: "That's the only way to go."

The warriors of Yanbu guarding the gate of the village stood on the wall of the village and saw the returning warriors of Yanbu from a distance, and immediately blew their horns.People from Yanbu immediately rushed out to see the girl brought back by the warriors of Yanbu, but found a long line winding in the distance, and it seemed that it wasn't just girls from Asabe.

But it is always a happy thing for the warriors to come back unharmed, and the Yanbu people greeted them warmly.For a while, there was laughter and laughter, and the scene was boiling.

Back to the tribe, someone naturally arranged for the settlement of the Mabe people.Gong Liang returned the things on his back to the girl and walked back.

This time, he walked all the way back in a hurry, and he ate only barbecues. The steel helmet Gongliang wore was completely useless, and even the seasoned salted Xiaoxi fish meal was put in very little during the barbecue.After all, there are so many people eating together, it's not appropriate for him to put seasoning.So when he got home, he cleaned the pot, cut a large piece of one-horned snake meat from the fruit space, and cooked it in it, ready to reward himself.

Fortunately, there is still some meat in the space, otherwise he would have to eat those marinated and dry beast meat to survive.

Yuan Gungun was also terribly tired, and when he got home, he just lay down in his weak animal skin nest and didn't want to get up.

After the two had a perfect meal, they went back to their nests to sleep.

Early the next morning, Gongliang was awakened by the sound of beating something.

"It's noisy."

Gongliang got up irritatedly, and simply got up to wash up.As soon as he left the bedroom, he saw Xiao Xiaoshi playing with Yuan Gun Gun outside.Rather than playing with it, it would be better to say that the little guy is teasing Chubby with things by himself.Yuan Gungun didn't care about him at all, he just squinted his eyes and squatted in his nest.

"Little Shi, did your brother go hunting?" Gong Liang asked while washing his face.

Xiao Xiaoshi stroked the silky hair on Yuan Gungun's body, and replied, "Go. Brother A Liang, can you let Yuan Gungun follow me to watch someone build a house! There are many children over there, I want to play."

"I can't help you with this, you have to get Yuan Gun Gun to agree to go with you."

"It agreed, Yuangungun, do you think so?" Xiao Xiaoshi said hastily.

I don't like playing with you little brat?Yuan Gun Gun glanced at him, ignored him, stood up and ran to Gong Liang's side to please him.

After washing, Gongliang went to the kitchen, cut a large piece of one-horned snake meat from the fruit space, and cooked it, and took out the carved golden-winged roc egg from it.I don't know if it is because there is no temperature inside, the egg has not hatched.

Xiao Xiaoshi chased Yuan Gungun to the kitchen, saw the golden-winged roc carving eggs, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Brother A Liang, where did you get your eggs? Why haven't I seen them before?"

Gongliang didn't expect this little guy to come in, so he didn't have time to hide, so he said quickly: "It's already here, how could you never see it?"

"No, I come to your house every day, and I haven't seen it." Xiao Xiaoshi said seriously.

This little guy comes to his house every day, and he probably knows more about the things in the house than he does.

Gong Liang hurriedly said: "I hid it and just took it out. Aren't you going to take Yuan Gun Gun to play? Then go there quickly, or the children will be gone." In order to prevent the little guy from asking questions, Gong Liang had to sacrifice Round and round.

Yuan Gungun doesn't want to play with Xiao Xiaoshi at all.

Because these little guys keep touching him, and some of them even drool and runny nose on him, it's scary to say.

But under Gongliang's gaze, it reluctantly agreed.But it's also a ghost, after taking the little guy around for a while, it took the opportunity to run back, just in time to enjoy a delicious breakfast with Gongliang.

Gong Liang was thinking about what he was going to do today while eating the jiao python meat porridge that was boiled like a paste.

The food at home was only some pickled beast meat and some pickled vegetables, none of which were fresh.

Although there is still some dragon meat in the space, you can't go inside to get it every time you eat it. What if someone finds it?It seems that I have to go and hunt some fierce beasts back, and go to see how the wild garlic and wild ginger planted by the waterfall are doing.

Having made up his mind, after eating, Gong Liang walked out with a big bone and a big basket on his back.

The chubby butt followed behind, and the fat buttocks twisted and twisted as they walked, which was very funny.

When it walked out of the gate of the village, it suddenly felt something, turned its head and saw Xiao Xiaoshi running towards the house with a bunch of little kids, it quickly ran out of the tribe.

The light snow in the sky kept falling, and the ground was already covered with a layer of white hair.Most of the grass on the side of the road was frostbitten to death, and the leaves on the giant shrubs and trees were no longer as lush and lush as before. Now they are bald, leaving only dry branches to welcome the snowflakes.

Gongliang always thought that the colors should be distinct throughout the year.

For example, in spring, new buds must bloom, so that the flavor of spring is full; For example, in summer, it is necessary to be hot, so that you can enjoy the graceful figure of a beautiful woman at the seaside; For example, in winter, snowflakes are needed to build snowmen, play with sleds, and dance on the icy river.

However, he himself only likes spring.

To be precise, he doesn't like spring, but the colors of spring.

He was from Fujian in his previous life. In Fujian, it rains a lot in spring, sometimes for a few days, a week, or even a month. The house is extremely humid, the air is not fresh, and everything grows hair; and in summer, it is extremely hot, and walking on the road feels uncomfortable. It feels like you can't breathe; it's cooler in autumn, but it's terribly cold in winter, and you can feel the bone-piercing chill under a thick quilt.Therefore, he likes autumn a little more, when it is neither cold nor hot, and he can go to the mountains to play without fear of being bitten by snakes.

(End of this chapter)

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