Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 70 Chubby who can be a hound

Chapter 70 Chubby who can be a hound


Standing in the vegetable bed plowed by the waterfall, Gong Liang shook his head helplessly as he looked at the snow-covered and frostbitten wild garlic, wild ginger, water onion, wild leek and so on.This really echoes an old saying: "After half a year of hard work, I returned to before liberation overnight."

If I hadn't been smart enough to grow a little in the fruit space, I guess I would have to go to the valley to dig if I wanted to use mountain ginger to remove the fishy smell, eat some mountain leek meat dumplings, boiled eggs with water spring onions, or fried meat with mountain garlic sprouts.

After checking it, I found that these vegetables were only the young leaves on the top that were frostbitten, and the stems below were fine. I think it can be rescued.

So, he went to the jungle to cut some trees and divided them into several sections, some of them were split into wood chips, and made a 凵 (read: cut) shaped box to cover the vegetable bed.After I finished it, I looked at it and felt that it was not safe, so I went to cut a pile of dry branches and leaves, and covered the box covering the vegetable bed tightly to keep warm, lest the snow damage the vegetable seedlings again.

As for the effect, it depends on God's will.

He did his best, and he already had a clear conscience.

After finishing the vegetable bed, Gongliang went hunting.On the way, thinking of holding the giant bone, the beasts dare not approach it, so they put it away, and instead took out a thousand-forged steel spear and a few short spears and carried it behind their backs.

Perhaps because of the colder weather, all the ferocious beasts that often roamed the mountains were hidden. After walking for a long time, Gong Liang didn't even see a single ferocious beast.


Suddenly, Yuan Gungun yelled at a grass covered with snow.There's nothing over there, don't even know what it's called?Suddenly, Gongliang saw the grass move.Looking carefully, I saw a white pheasant lying in the grass.The whole body of this thing is white, and it's really hard to see if you don't look carefully when lying there.

Gong Liang stepped forward and grabbed it. It was quite fat, weighing at least five or six catties.

The soup made from this stuff is very delicious.

Gong Liang touched his chubby head and said, "I'll cook something delicious for you tonight."

I didn't expect this guy to have the talent to be a hunting dog. It seems that he needs to develop other hobbies and interests for him in the future.

Yuan Gungun screamed with joy, and ran forward in a hurry.Gong Liang hurriedly found Genshan Teng, tied up the white pheasant, put it in a basket, and chased after it.With Yuan Gungun's help, he harvested a few pheasants and mountain rabbits along the way, but he didn't see any large beasts. What a ghost.

Over another mountain.

Farther and farther away from the tribe.

In front of him, it was already the hunting spot of the tribe, but even so, he still didn't see any beasts.

Gongliang stopped Pidianpidian Yuangungun who was running ahead, squatted down and hugged it, and said, "Gungun, we can't go on like this anymore, we are looking for big beasts, big ones, do you understand? We can't beat them anymore Fierce beast, we will starve in the future."

Gongliang made several big gestures with it.

Yuan Gungun expressed that he understood, put his nose to the left and right to smell, and then ran forward.Gongliang immediately followed.

After a while, a chestnut forest appeared ahead.

Most of the leaves in the forest have fallen, only some still linger on the tree. Under the tree, there is a group of white-headed chrysanthemums arching the chestnuts that fell to the ground, eating with relish.

Gongliang looked at it, his eyes brightened. After searching for so long, he finally saw a few large ferocious beasts.

Those bald-headed scorpion grow as big as a mountain, and the leaves of the chestnut tree creak when they are stepped on.They buried their heads and ate the chestnuts among the fallen leaves, but they didn't see anyone coming.

Gong Liang approached slowly holding the thousand-refined spear, and suddenly ignited the Yan pattern on his back, and a huge force rushed into the body from the Yan pattern in an instant.In just a moment, his strength increased by more than half than usual.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly rushed towards the biggest white-headed wenxue in front of him, and the thousand-forged spear in his hand came out like a poisonous snake, piercing into the heart of the white-headed wenxue, and then quickly pulled it out, and threw the next white-headed wenxue Xun ran away.The speed is as fast as lightning piercing through the air, and it is too fast to cover the ears.

When the body of the first bald-headed wenxiong fell to the ground and made a "bang", the rest of the bald-headed wenxiong felt it.

But at this moment, Gongliang had rushed to the second white-headed wenxun, stabbed out the thousand-strength spear, and only heard a sound of piercing into the flesh, the spear pierced through the right eye of the white-headed wenxue and penetrated the brain.

At this time, the white-headed Wenxiu finally woke up and howled, but instead of retreating, they lowered their heads and rushed towards Gongliang.

There were still five bald-headed wenxiong left, if they all rushed over, Gong Liang might not be able to bear it.At that moment, he hastily took out the short spear from behind, and threw it at the last few smaller white-headed scorpions.The short spear castrated extremely quickly, piercing the cold wind quickly, and making a sharp hiss.

In the end, the white-headed Wenxue fell to the spear, its limbs twitching non-stop on the ground.

After killing the three white-headed wenxues behind with a short spear, and trying to kill another one, the white-headed wenxue in front has already rushed to him.

Gong Liang rushed forward with his spear, and the two collided with each other, making a loud noise.

Baitou Wenxiu was so powerful that he forced him out of the chestnut forest, and his footprints plowed a long groove on the ground.

After all, the Qianduan spear couldn't pierce the hard skull of Baitou Wenxun. After thinking for a while, Gong Liang entered the fruit space to take out the giant bone.

Baitou Wenxun was originally curious about Gongliang who suddenly disappeared, but when he took out the giant bone, he felt vigilant and couldn't help but take a few steps back.The white-headed Wenxiu behind rushed forward without hesitation.

It came just in time, "Whirlwind Hammer", Gong Liang yelled, the giant bone danced wildly like a spiral, and smashed hard at the white-headed Wenxiong.In an instant, blood spattered, white and pulp flew, and it was a mess.Looking at the white-headed Wenxiu from behind, his body trembled, the blood in his eyes disappeared, and he turned around and ran away.

Gongliang hurriedly chased after him.

But the white-headed Wenxiu was so fast that he disappeared after getting into a bush. He couldn't find it no matter how hard he searched, so he had to stop at last.

Yuan Gun Gun came over at this time, this guy didn't dare to go up when he saw the white-headed Wenxiu, and hid aside the whole time.

When Gong Liang saw it, he reprimanded him angrily, "Why are you so timid, you didn't go up to stop it, and let it run like this?"

Yuan Gun Gun ignored him, it was so small, it was not big enough for people to put it between their teeth, stop it, and it would not be trampled into panda mud.

After cursing a few words, Gongliang thought of being chubby again.Although this guy is only tall but not courageous, and he is frightened when he sees a large beast, but it is not without benefits. For example, he often finds babies, can be used as a hunting dog, and can be hugged and slept like a doll at night. Looks good!

Thinking of this, he felt a lot more comfortable, and planned to go back at night and cook some delicious food to reward Yuan Gun Gun.

Walking back to the corpse of the white-headed Wenxiong, when he saw a white-headed Wenxiong lying on the ground bleeding, Gong Liang couldn't help calling it a waste.

Hastily picked up a white-headed wenxue and entered the fruit space, put the blood in the three-color rice field, and took out the internal organs by the way, so as not to carry it and suffer.

He originally wanted to bury the internal organs in the three-color rice fields, but he gave up this plan because he thought that the internal organs did not have much energy.

The last time he used the viscera of the beast as fertilizer to grow the three-color rice, the three-color rice never grew up. If it hadn't been watered with the blood of the beast in the end, he probably wouldn't be able to harvest the three-color rice.I had no choice but to take it out and throw it away.Suddenly, he saw the black water in the space.Xindao can melt everything, but it is a good thing to dispose of garbage.

So, he took the internal organs of the white-headed wenxiu and walked to the black water puddle.

(End of this chapter)

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