Chapter 815

When the first ray of golden light in the morning shot through Feixia Building from the east and landed on the bed in the middle of the room, Gongliang's biological clock woke him up very punctually.

Opening his eyes, he saw the innocent and pretty face of the little guy.With a tacit understanding, Mi Gu also opened his eyes, and when he saw Papa, he squinted and smiled happily.For her, waking up every day and seeing her papa for the first time is undoubtedly the most beautiful thing in the world.

One big and one small, one with loving eyes and one with joy, they are so pure and wonderful!

Suddenly, a gust of hot air came, and when he turned his head, he saw Yuan Gungun's giant panda face sticking beside him.

"What are you doing?" Gong Liang stared.

"What are you looking at?" Yuan Gungun asked curiously.

It just came over when it noticed Gongliang and Migu looking at them stupidly.It was recently practiced by Gong Liang, so that getting up at this moment became an instinctive reaction, and he couldn't fall asleep even if he wanted to sleep.It feels like this, it has lost so much weight recently, and the fat that it has managed to raise is gone, and its mood is not beautiful at all.

"Nothing to see."

Gong Liang didn't bother to care about this idiot, so he stretched himself and got up to make breakfast.

Seeing that Gun Gun disturbed his alone time with Papa, Mi Gu was very upset, so he flew to sit on its head and pulled its little hairy ears.

"Migu, we are good friends, you can't always pull my ears." Yuan Gungun shouted shaking his head.

"Gugu, you can't bully Gungun all the time, it's very good." Xiao Xiangxiang also helped behind.

But Mi Gu didn't let go, while happily tugging on the round little hairy ears, he said to Xiao Xiangxiang: "I didn't bully Gun Gun, I was playing with it."

Yuan Gungun shook his head and struggled, and talked nicely to Mi Gu for a while, seeing that she still didn't let go, he had no choice but to let her go.Anyway, it has nothing to do with the little guy, it can only be like this.

"Gun Gun, Mi Gu, Xiao Xiangxiang, what are you still doing in there? Come out and practice."

Hearing Papa's words, Migu quickly let go of Yuangungun and flew out.

Only then did Yuan Gun Gun be freed.

After dinner, Gongliang thought he hadn't gone hunting for a long time, and he didn't know what to do with the lychee and longan over there, so he decided to go and have a look.So they sat on the black mammoth Duoji, took Migu and the others, and walked to the grass hut in a mighty manner.

When we arrived at Songbailin, the forest was still the same as last time, and it changed back to its previous appearance, without any trace of being felled.

Gongliang asked Migu to see where the hut was, and asked the black mammoth to open the way.After a while, the team walked into the thatched cottage.

The thatched cottage still looks the same as it did last time, nothing has changed.It's just that the fruits on the two lychee trees beside the thatched hut are bigger, they are already the size of quails, and each one is green and tender.And the blooming longan has also produced fruit, each of which is the size of a mung bean, which looks so weird.

Yuan Gungun saw that Gongliang was staring at the small fruit on the tree, so he asked, "Gongliang, is this fruit edible?"

"Okay, but you have to wait until you are familiar with it."

"Papa, is Guoguo delicious?" Mi Gufei asked beside him.

"It's delicious, sweet, and juicy, as long as you like it."

"Papa, I have to eat a lot." Mi Gu gestured again.

"Gongliang, I have to eat a lot too." Yuan Gungun also said quickly, fearing that Migu would take advantage of him.


These guys, the fruits are not yet ripe, and they start to think about how much they want to eat one by one, which is really speechless.Gong Liang responded with a word, then walked to the back of the thatched hut, and paid homage to the owner of the thatched hut.After all, he and Yuan Gungun got their things, and when they came to their territory, they had to say hello no matter what.He was a native of Fujian in his previous life. Although he was not superstitious, he believed in the old tradition of worshiping ghosts and worshiping gods.

Even here, some things remain the same.

This is actually similar to the old saying, "Talk nonsense when you see people, and talk nonsense when you see ghosts."

Some people think that time travel will change a person's character, but it is not.A person's personality is formed over time and accumulated over time, and it cannot be changed overnight, unless there is a huge encounter, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

After paying homage to the owner of the grass hut, Gong Liang rode the black mammoth Dorji and continued walking with Mi Gu and the others.

Their goal was an intermountain basin near the thatched cottage, where a kind of mountain ox grew.

This kind of beef is tender, juicy, and unique in flavor, making it unforgettable once you eat it.

Last time when Kai Xiong and the others caught one and brought it back, Gong Liang almost swallowed his tongue.However, this kind of mountain cattle is very difficult to catch, not to mention their speed, they also form cliques and live in groups. When they find someone coming to catch them, they rush to them immediately.The smallest of those mountain oxen is also at the level of monster beasts. It doesn't matter if one is a big one, if they are stepped on, they will die or die.

Gongliang and the others rode Dorje while watching.

The jungle of Miaodao Xianzong is not as vast as the Great Wilderness, full of ancient charm, obviously people often walk, so there are still footprints on some ground.

Walking forward, I don't know what was the alarm, suddenly there was a sound of flapping wings, and then I saw a few strange birds the size of two palms flying over stupidly from the front.

He dismissed these idiots Dorje, didn't embarrass them at all, and let them fly overhead.

These birds are very strange, each one has only one wing, one eye and one foot.

After flying apart for a while, the birds stuck together two by two again and flew forward.The speed of two flying together is obviously much better than that of one.But the combination is very strange, it becomes two heads, one eye on each side, two bodies, two feet, and two wings.

Perhaps because he has wings, Migu is very interested in these strange things with wings.

Seeing the appearance of those birds, he flew over with a swish, grabbed the necks of two strange birds that were flying forward and flew back.

The two strange birds still wanted to struggle, but they were grabbed by the little guy and flung them around a few times, then collided with each other heavily, and immediately calmed down.

"Papapapa, look at this little bird, it's so strange!" Migu said to Papa holding the two birds.

Before Gongliang answered, Yuan Gungun shouted from the side: "This is a lovebird. It is recorded in "Lang Huan Ji": "There are lovebirds in the south, one blue and one red. The two birds are wing-to-wing. They fly and drink and peck, and they are not separated." The male is called Yejun, and the female is taboo to watch the sun. The name of the song is Changli. There are birds with one leg, one wing and one eye, they fly when they meet each other, and they are called forgetting, and when they see it, they will be good, and they will live a thousand years." There are many such birds, even in the wilderness.

Hearing Yuan Gungun's words, Mi Gu grabbed the necks of the two birds and said, "You talk nonsense, I've never seen such a weird little bird."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Gong Liang quickly said, "We do have this kind of bird in the wilderness, but we don't call it Lovebird, we call it Manman, because they are all stupid and can't fly when they see people."

"Papa, I also think they are stupid and don't move." Mi Gu shook the lovebirds to show Papa.

Gong Liang looked at the lovebirds who had been caught by the little guy until they rolled their eyes, and thought: It's not that they don't want to move, but they can't move.

There is not much meat in this thing, and there is nothing to eat.

In order to avoid waste, Gong Liang said to Mi Gu, "Would you like to play with them? If you don't play with them, just throw them away."

"Stupid, I don't want to play." Mi Gu threw the two lovebirds forcefully, and they hit the tree with a "bang" and slid down.

The two lovebirds fell to the ground, and it took a long time to recover.After waking up, he immediately flew away in a panic.It is estimated that this jungle has become their nightmare, and they will never come again in their lifetime.

 It has been terribly cold these past few days, and I finally went out for a walk in the sun. I thought I could write two chapters in the afternoon, but I had something to do in the evening, so I had to change it once.

  Continue tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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