Chapter 816

The chick is flying in the sky, its formerly golden wings have become a bit dull now, but its power remains undiminished, and the thick back makes it look extraordinary.

Gongliang looked down through the chick's vision, searching for the mountain cow.

Although the goats are in the intermountain basin, they are not motionless, changing and migrating all the time.If you don't look carefully, you may not be able to find it later.

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The chicken soaring in the sky reminds Gongliang that the mountain cow is below.

Gong Liang, who was a little distracted, stared and saw a large group of goats walking forward while eating grass in the low forest in the basin in front.Generally speaking, mountain oxen will not stay in one place for too long, otherwise the grass there will not be enough to eat.They all eat while walking, maybe when they come back after walking around, the green grass just grows here.

Those mountain cows have white noses and knees, rounded corners, raised backs, and massive muscles. They are extremely majestic.

Among the herd of cattle, there are always some huge mountain cattle that have not eaten grass and look around vigilantly. Some calves are playing in the team. The cows lower their heads to eat the grass, and look up at their own children from time to time.

The mountain ox walked forward while eating, without stopping for a moment.

Wherever it passed, the grass on the ground, the tender berries, and the young leaves on the low trees were all eaten up.

Next to the mountain ox, some enemies and hunters are watching.

Some yellow and red, jackals and dogs are entrenched beside the stream, walking back and forth non-stop, ready to attack at any time.Not far away, there are still some ferocious beasts lurking, such as red ferocious, giant tiger, such as leopard Mengji, slippery, bear, etc., seem to be waiting for time to enjoy this feast.

And behind these ferocious beasts, on the giant trees, among the high cliffs, and on the clouds, there is a famous son of the Immortal Sect of Miaodao standing or sitting, and they seem to be waiting for the best time to make a move.

Seeing the situation through the eyes of the little chicken, Gong Liang quickly told the little chicken to be more careful, and then told the black mammoth Dorji to walk slowly.

Now is not the time to hunt at all, he can fish in troubled waters only when these people make a move.

When the chick heard her mother's order, it flew into a cloud and hid, only showing a pair of eyes to look down.

Mi Gu didn't care what happened ahead, just leaned in Papa's arms, quietly being a good boy.

Yuan Gungun felt it, stretched his neck and looked forward, then lay on the black mammoth Dorji again.

The herd of mountain cattle ate while walking, moving forward slowly.Further on, there is a low hillside, and the mountain cattle must turn over to eat the delicious green grass on the other side.The crisis seems to be at this very moment.A group of streamsides were about to move, and began to jog, calling their companions back and forth.The ferocious beasts behind also began to prepare, and the disciples of the Miaodao Xianzong on the giant trees, high cliffs, and clouds also tightened their minds and looked down.

Gong Liang had already reached a place not far from the mountain cow. He told the black mammoth Dorji to stop and not to go there.

One after another, the mountain oxen began to climb over the hillside. The calves and cows turned over first, and the strong and strong mountain oxen stayed behind to guard.

Those mountain cows who dared not deal with the majestic and strong mountain cattle by the stream rushed into the forest head by head, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Leaving by the stream, the ferocious beasts hiding in the forest will show their heads, with fierce eyes, stern faces, and fangs showing, each of them looks more ferocious than the other.


Suddenly, the cry of a female goat came from the other side of the hillside.

Gong Liang looked through the chicken's field of vision, and it turned out that the stream that went into the forest just now went to the hillside to attack the calf and the cow.

A burly giant bull in the majestic herd roared loudly, and half of the bulls separated from the herd immediately, rushed across the hillside, and rushed towards those lifeless streams with an indomitable momentum.

Seeing the goat rushing by the stream, who dared to stay on the side of the hill, and hurried into the forest.

Some streams ran fast and were lucky to escape, but more of them were trampled into minced meat by the majestic mountain ox.

Soon, a group of hunters by the stream were washed to pieces by the mountain oxen. Some died tragically, some had severed limbs, and some were lying on the ground dying, wailing non-stop.

When half of the mountain cattle turned over the hillside and attacked the stream to rescue the calf and the cow, the fierce beast that had been waiting in the forest finally appeared and rushed at the majestic mountain cattle with lightning speed.

Of course, the mountain ox would not be tied up with its hands tied. With a long moo, it turned around and lowered its head, flashing its sharp horns and rushing towards the beast.

A head, a row of mountain cattle, mighty and majestic, magnificent.

A ferocious beast in front jumped at it first, but it was too late to hide, so it jumped cruelly and rushed towards the mountain ox.

Suddenly, a giant mountain ox jumped out of the herd, pierced into the belly of the leaping beast with its sharp horns, and rushed back with it.The beast roared in pain, and kept patting the goat's head with its claws.

The mountain cow's face was immediately slapped with blood spattered and bloody.

Even so, the momentum of the giant mountain ox remained undiminished, with both feet stepping on the void, accelerating forward again.

The ferocious beast roared, and its claws slapped more wildly. The face of the giant mountain ox had been patted into a blur, but it kept rushing forward, leading the ferocious beast straight into the forest, and stabbed fiercely on the giant tree in the forest.

The ferocious beast screamed unwillingly, but it was helpless, and finally closed its eyes unwillingly.

The goat slackened down, his feet went limp, and he fell to the ground, never getting up again.

Most of the beasts that attacked the mountain ox first suffered disaster, and the beasts behind were smart, seeing that they could not fight head-on, they made a detour to find the mountain ox to attack.

There was no defense behind the goats, and they were caught off guard. One, two, three, one goats fell into the beast's mouth.Seeing the prey in hand, some immediately dragged it and rushed into the forest; others were very greedy, not enough at one end, and rushed to the next end.

The mountain ox coming from behind the hillside heard the sound, and when they saw their companion lying in a pool of blood and hanging on the beast's mouth, the eyes of the ox instantly turned blood red, and roared in unison, rushing towards the beast that hadn't left yet.

A blind-eyed red ferocious bears the brunt of it, and is thrown to the ground by the rushing mountain cows, and then trampled into meatloaf by the running mountain cows, which is horrible.

The beasts that run fast are considered to have made a profit, and all the slow ones are chased to death by the herd of mountain cattle.

The disciples of the sect on the giant tree, among the high cliffs, and on the clouds also made their moves one after another, rushing at the beast that caught the mountain ox.If this trip is successful, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone. It doesn't take much effort to catch the mountain ox and the beast at the same time.

Gong Liang noticed that the disciples of the sect were leaving, and instead of following, he quietly went around behind the hillside and attacked the calf and the cow.

He wants to raise some in the space to see if he can breed with desolate cattle and breed better quality beef.

The calves and cows were well protected by the mountain herds and suffered little loss from streamside attacks.

They buried their heads in the forest, gnawing on the grass, nuts and young leaves on the trees.

When he was getting close to the calf and the cow, Gong Liang was afraid that the black mammoth Dorji would scare them, so he sent it away with Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Xiang Xiang, while he sneaked forward with Mi Gu.

Migu was so excited that she flapped her wings and flicked her nine-colored tail. She likes to do this kind of sneaky and sneaky things with Papa the most.

Gongliang naturally does not admit that what he has done is against the way of light. Everything he does belongs to justice. It is for the reproduction and inheritance of a race and to improve their lives. How could it be sneaky and sneaky?

 There is something, I will update it today.There is still something to do tomorrow, maybe one more, but if you come back early, there will be two more.

  It was originally said that there will be two updates every day this month, but who knows that there will be many accidents, I'm sorry, I will make it up later.



(End of this chapter)

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