Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 102 Waiting for a tree to bloom, waiting for a person to come

Chapter 102 Waiting for a tree to bloom, waiting for someone to come

Qiao Sinian frowned and glanced at the price tag beside him.

But only eight hundred dollars.

Does she disdain to use his card for her?

"Why doesn't Dad get back to me?" Qiao Chengfan muttered.

Just then, the class bell rang, Qiao Chengfan put away his phone and opened the textbook.

"Master Qiao, here we are." The driver stopped the car and said respectfully.

Outside, is the Qiao Group's building, towering high, brilliant and luxurious.

The employees in the building were in a hurry, all walking to their respective floors.


A doorman came outside and opened the door for Josinian.

Then came Meng Chen.

Qiao Sinian handed the mobile phone to Meng Chen, and there was no emotion in his voice: "I bought these shoes."

Meng Chen looked down and saw a pair of white high-heeled shoes, inlaid with rhinestones, elegant and simple.

It's beautiful, but not overpriced.

Meng Chen knew very well, didn't ask anything, just nodded: "Okay."

Qiao Sinian strode to the special elevator, his face was as cold and low-key as ever.

When he got to the office, he checked the contact information that Qiao Chengfan sent him.

It really has everything.

Mobile phone number, QQ, WeChat, Weibo...

Since returning to China, the only contact between him and her is his mobile phone number.

Before, they lived under one roof and never seemed to think that one day they would become strangers.

Even the distance is getting farther and farther.

He could see that she rejected him.

What about him?
With a flick of his finger, he opened the text message she sent him last night: do you like me?
His eyes stayed on the screen for a long time.

Sunlight poured in from the large floor-to-ceiling windows and shone on his mahogany desk.

The table was glowing with lustre, reflecting Qiao Sinian's deep and expressionless face.

After a long time, he still added Ye Jiaqi's WeChat.

Her avatar is her self-portrait, and a line of words is written at the signature: wait for a tree to bloom, wait for a person to come.

Ye Jiaqi was sorting out the press release when he heard the phone vibrate.

Um?Someone added her.

Take a look, stranger, don't know.

After she passed, she turned off her phone and continued to write the press release.

Ye Jiaqi typed on the keyboard and looked at the computer screen.

The gardenia on the table exudes a strong aroma, and with it, the smell of late summer.

The weather is getting cooler recently, and autumn is coming.

"Ding dong", the phone rang.

Ye Jiaqi freed up a hand and opened it.

"Do you like sailing?"

It's the stranger who just added!

Blinking her eyes, she finally came to her senses. This is the little guy's father, Mr. Ye.

She smiled, thinking of Xiao Fanfan's appearance in her mind.

When he held her to sleep, she had a peace of mind she had never had before.

He quickly went back to him: "I like it, Fanfan is very cute and sensible."

Looking at the news of her coming back, Qiao Sinian's eyes were deep and cold, and there was a chill in his eyes.

He typed three words conditioned reflexively: "Do you regret it?"

However, I realized it was wrong and deleted it.

He is now Ye Chengfan's father, not Qiao Sinian.

"Yeah." He replied only one word.

Ye Jiaqi tilted his head, this person's tone is similar to that of some people!
She quickly typed a few more words: "Mr. Ye, you didn't send Chengfan back last night, you don't blame me, do you?"


"Then Mr. Ye, can I see Fanfan again in the future?" Ye Jiaqi asked cautiously.

After all, he is someone's son...

"You like children very much?" Josinian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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