Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 103 No Father and Mother

Chapter 103 No Father and Mother

"Yes, yes, I like children very much, especially!"

Ye Jiaqi was afraid that Mr. Ye would not agree.

She really likes children, especially a little guy like Xiao Fanfan!
When her baby was still in her womb, she played with him every day and talked with him.

There was a sullen coldness in Qiao Sinian's eyes, his hands were cold, his chin was tightened, and his face was cold.

She loves children...

"Oh." Jose Nian replied indifferently.

Ye Jiaqi was puzzled, what does Mr. Ye mean?
So cold!
Ye Jiaqi was instantly embarrassed, so he had to type a few words: "Then Mr. Ye, I won't disturb you, you can be busy."

After sending it out, she went on to write the press release.

Sure enough, this aloof Mr. Ye didn't reply to her again.

Hiss... It's so cold, she feels cold.

It seems that Xiao Fanfan was really adopted by this man, not a character at all!

Xiao Fanfan is also very poor.

Just like her, at such a young age, she lost her own parents.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she became. If she saw Xiao Fanfan again, she would definitely treat him better.


It's just that she hasn't seen the little guy since that day.

The weather is getting cooler and the nights are getting longer.

It has rained several times in succession, the temperature has dropped sharply, and it is more and more like autumn.

The green leaves turn yellow, and the dead leaves are like butterflies.

Every night, when Ye Jiaqi returned to the house he rented, he was full of expectations.

She remembered the little guy sitting on the steps outside her house again...

But every night, I was disappointed.

There was no sign of the little guy.

She wanted to call him, but was afraid of disturbing him.

After all, he was just a child of a stranger's family.

His father doesn't necessarily like her, so Xiao Fanfan is not allowed to contact her.

She can understand such vigilance, but she really misses the little guy.

I think so much, I dream so much.

I have never had such thoughts before, as if my heart was being held by a thread.

It hurts a little bit.

You Pianran was dragged into the crew for several days, and when she returned, she saw that Ye Jiaqi's whole person was wrong.

"Good times." You Pianran waved her hand in front of her eyes, "Why do you always open the door? Are there any friends coming?"

Ye Jiaqi came back to his senses: "No."

"Desperate, lost money?"


"How come there are children's clothes at home? Or boys?"

"Oh, a friend's child came to play a few days ago." Ye Jiaqi made up a lie.

"Really? Are you sure you're not a man?" You Pianran smirked.

"Of course not. Have you seen me bring a man back for the night?"

"Oh, look at you, don't you like men?"

"Yeah, I like women, so you have to be careful!" Ye Jiaqi raised his hand to scare her.

"Haha, I'm so scared!" You Pianran laughed, "By the way, Senior Chu He added me a few days ago, and he asked about you."

"So you sold me?"

"Well...not for sale." You Pianran pondered, "Senior Chu He seems to be interested in you. Do you want to consider it? I heard that he is now a manager in a listed company, and he is developing very well!"

"Lianran, I don't think about it for the time being."

Now, she really misses Xiao Fanfan.

Her mind was full of the shadow of the little guy, and the feeling of his little hands rubbing against her neck.

Soft and sweet.

 (Thanks to "EツMuSic", "Stumbled", "It has nothing to do with romance, nothing to do with love", "Don't cry, make trouble and show off", "City in July", "Forever generation. My sister is immortal", etc. dear 's reward~)

(End of this chapter)

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