Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 109 She threw herself into a man's arms!

Chapter 109 She threw herself into a man's arms!
"Oh my god, Master Qiao is the real god. He has never had any scandals. The only scandal is with his wife."

Comments one by one, overwhelming!

Because she didn't show her face, no one guessed who she was.

Someone who was careful pointed out that it was the same person in the photo taken last time.

Not long after Master Qiao returned to China, he was secretly photographed three times and made headlines three times!

Two of them were with my wife.

Ye Jiaqi couldn't eat anymore, she wasn't his wife!no!
With a flustered face, she pressed her finger on Josnian's number, neither dialing nor not dialing.

Since the turmoil that night, she has decided not to have any contact with him.

But now, it was obvious that he knew that she had posted the post.

If she didn't take the initiative to admit her mistake, not only would she lose her job, but she might even lose her life.

Who can't live with money.

Ye Jiaqi's hand shook, but he pressed it anyway.

In more than ten seconds, the beating of the heart accelerated, and the blood flow also accelerated.


Josnian's voice came from the other end, low and magnetic.

"Master Qiao, can we discuss something?"

"No time."

After all, Josinian hung up the phone.


Ye Jiaqi gritted his teeth, no time?

Well, she forgot, he was shopping with his wife, how could he be free.

There's no need to be angry, just make the headlines, at worst, next time, she won't shoot him.

However, I was still a little apprehensive and uneasy.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Ye Jiaqi took a taxi back home.

One night, she drank several glasses of wine to suppress her shock.

The neighborhood was an old neighborhood, and the lights in the corridor were broken again. Fortunately, the road was familiar, so she walked up the stairs to the fifth floor.

He took the key out of his pocket and prepared to open the door.

However, just as she stretched out her hand, her whole body was swept away by a domineering force.

The soles of her feet were not steady, she threw herself into the arms of the man!
With a "ding", the key fell to the ground.

She couldn't be more familiar with his aura, having been with him day and night for 12 years.

The door is very dark, very dark, you can't see your fingers.

"Master Qiao likes to scare people?" Ye Jiaqi was indeed quite frightened by him.

There was a layer of cold sweat on the back, and the heart almost jumped into the throat.

Josnian didn't answer her, bent down to pick up the key from the ground, and opened the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he pressed her against the wall and rubbed her shoulders with his big hands.

"looking for me."

His deep voice sounded like a thick cello in the darkness.

"Let me turn on the light first."

It was so dark that she couldn't even see his face clearly, she could only feel his hot breath brushing against her face.

It's so late, what is he doing here?
"Want to see me?"

"..." Ye Jiaqi choked.

She raised her hand and touched the switch, and the fluorescent light turned on.

Josnian was very close to her, and his eyes fell on her face, calm and calm.

"Master Qiao, there's nothing serious about it. It's just that someone slandered you in the headlines. You can have them take down the headlines." Ye Jiaqi was very embarrassed.

"Oh?" Josnian raised his voice at the end and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Slandering me? How do you deal with this kind of person?"


Ye Jiaqi hesitated and was speechless.

"Huh?" Josnian persisted.

"Master Qiao, I wrote the post on Toutiao, I admit it. But the photo was not posted by me, it was changed. So, Master Qiao, you should clarify this kind of thing, otherwise, it will damage your reputation."

Ye Jiaqi and Josnian confessed.

"Clarification? I'll talk about it when I'm free."

(End of this chapter)

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