Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 110 Where do I want to go?

Chapter 110 Where do I want to go?
"Master Qiao, you can ask your subordinates to do it, just make a phone call."

"Are you trying to interfere with my work?"

"No, I'm just suggesting."

"Why should I listen to your suggestion?" Josnian said flatly.

Ye Jiaqi pushed him away: "I didn't let you listen. I've finished what I should say. If you don't withdraw, Master Qiao, I can't help it. But I think it would be bad if your wife and son saw it. .”

She walked into the kitchen, poured a glass of water and took a few sips.

"Ye Jiaqi, don't be smart."

"Master Qiao, you can go. The lonely man and the widow live in the same room, so it's not nice to talk about it."

But Josnian did not leave, but pushed open the door of her bedroom.

"Hey, Josnian, why did you come into my room? I didn't allow it!"

Ye Jiaqi chased after him.

Josnian grabbed her wrist with a gloomy expression, "I can go wherever I want, including you."

In an instant, Ye Jiaqi's face was blushing, angry and annoyed.

What is this called!

Josnian glanced at her bedroom, it was so small.

After a while, the eyes stopped.

He let go of Ye Jiaqi's hand and walked to the table.

On the table is a beautiful gift box, and inside the box are high-heeled shoes.

"Who gave it to you?" Josnian asked knowingly.

"Don't touch it." Ye Jiaqi ran over, trying to snatch it back from him, "My boyfriend gave it to me."

"Oh?" Josnian's lips curled into a smile that was not a smile.

Ye Jiaqi, on the other hand, felt nervous: "Put it down."

As soon as he finished speaking, Josnian put his big arms around her waist, carried her to the bed, and pressed her shoulders.

Then, he crouched down.

With a stretch of his hand, he took off the flat shoes on her feet.

"Hey, I don't wear them."

Ye Jiaqi's feet moved twice!

Josnian held her ankle to prevent her from struggling.

His palms were warm, and when he held her cold ankle, Ye Jiaqi's body seemed to be struck by electricity.

No one of the opposite sex has ever touched her feet.

The ankle was so sensitive that she immediately grabbed the sheet tightly.

Clenched teeth.

Josnian took the pair of white high heels on the table and held her ankle.

Ye Jiaqi's feet were pushed back desperately, not wanting to wear them.

"Josnian, do you know what it means for a man to put shoes on a woman in my hometown?"


Josnian stopped what he was doing, raised his head, and looked at her with dark and deep eyes.

She paused, and said slowly, "It means she wants to marry her."

"Oh, are you hinting at me?"

Josnian raised his head slightly, his eyes burning.

"No!" Ye Jiaqi waved her hand quickly, she didn't mean that at all, not at all!She bent down, trying to move his hand away, "I mean, Master Qiao, don't put shoes on me. Ah..."

Instead, Josnian used his wrist to firmly put the high heels on her feet!
After a while, he stood up, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Ye Jiaqi rubbed his ankle and gave Josnian a disgusted look.

Can't understand human language?
"Your boyfriend knows your size pretty well." Josnian looked down at her, "It seems that he cares about you."

"My boyfriend doesn't care about me, who else cares about me."

Josnian leaned forward, reached out and lifted her chin: "I'm not treating you well?"

"Master Qiao, have you forgotten that you have told me to go away over and over again?"

"Then you should roll one and show me."

His slender fingers gently stroked her chin, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

 (Master Qiao, you know how to bully us Qiqi, dig a hole for Qiqi to jump...╭(╯^╰)╮)
(End of this chapter)

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