Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 111 You can even start with your own children

Chapter 111 You can even start with your own children

"Master Qiao, you can't be shameless." Ye Jiaqi glared at him, "If you don't leave, I'll call my boyfriend."

"Is that Chuhe your boyfriend?"

A dangerous message flashed in Josnian's eyes.


"Stop touching him."

"It's none of your business."

Ye Jiaqi hated his way of taking care of everything the most.

She has nothing to do with him.

Not before, not now.

In the future, there will be none.

Maybe she still had him in her heart before, but since her baby was gone, she no longer liked him.

How cruel is a man who can even lay hands on his own children.

Josnian also hated her repulsive look the most. Three years ago, she was not like this.

I remember that he was very busy before, and he would go home very late at night.

But she would lie on the couch waiting for him every night, sometimes watching TV, sometimes already asleep.

Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, she is waiting.

As soon as the living room door rang and he appeared, she would jump off the sofa reflexively, and diligently fetch slippers for him like a kitten.

At that time, she was small, and when he changed his shoes, he would bend over and touch her furry head, and ask softly, "Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Each time, the answer was the same: "I'm waiting for you."

I'm waiting for you.

At that time, she raised her small face innocently.

Three years later, she's come full circle.

Feeling irritable for no reason, Josnian reached into his trousers pocket for the cigarette case.

It's just that the cigarette case was left on the car.

"Master Qiao, are you going?" Ye Jiaqi started to chase people away.

"What if I don't go?"

"Then I'll go."

With that said, Ye Jiaqi stood up.

The high heels fit her feet well, but she won't wear them out now, she bends down to take them off.

Josnian grabbed her wrist!
Ye Jiaqi lost his footing, leaned back, and fell onto the bed.

Josnian bent down, put his arms on her sides, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes were sharp.

"The last time you texted me to ask me a question, I gave you the answer."

Josnian looked at her seriously, with a domineering and irresistible tone.

The beating speed of the heart accelerated, and the palm gradually became warm.

Ye Jiaqi looked confused, what? ? ?
When did she text him a question?
Which woman did Josnian confuse her with again?
Thinking of this, Ye Jiaqi frowned: "I didn't ask you a question."

"You!" Josnian's face darkened immediately, and his mood was instantly disturbed, "Ye Jiaqi, don't you like to admit what you have done?"

"I think you may have misunderstood. I really didn't ask you a question. If I did, I might have sent the wrong message."

Ye Jiaqi didn't know what he was up to, she didn't send him any text messages!

Not to mention asking shit questions!
He must have read it wrong!
You are not very old, why are your eyes dim!

"Then we slept together? You don't admit it?" Josnian's face was gloomy, and his tone was extremely cold.

"Josnian, can you not mention it once?"

Josnian sneered: "It seems that I haven't forgotten."

"I was wrong, okay? I was young and ignorant at that time, and I made a mistake that I regret for the rest of my life. I have already repented and reviewed it. I was wrong, okay?"

Damn, at least we have known each other for 12 years, why bother.

He's been fucked once. Hasn't he, Josnian, dated too few women?Do you have to catch her?
(Remember to give Luo Yi a recommendation vote and a five-star praise, thank you for your support, I love you~)

(End of this chapter)

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