Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 120 Qiao Ye, do you believe me?

Chapter 120 Qiao Ye, do you believe me?

The wind was blowing in her ears, and she remembered her childhood.

Once she sat on the sofa with him and chatted. Of course, it was not so much a chat as she was talking to herself alone.

A boring froth drama was playing on TV, and she insisted on dragging him to watch it.

It happened to be broadcast until the hero and heroine had a misunderstanding, and the two quarreled hysterically.

Josnian was bored watching it, but Ye Jiaqi was so sad that he was about to cry.

Josnian glanced at her and felt that the girl was really inexplicable.

"Hey, Master Qiao, why do you think this man doesn't believe her..."

She was angry and sad.

Pulling out a piece of tissue, she wiped her eyes.

"Cheat your tears." Josnian dismissed it.

Seeing how puzzled he was, Ye Jiaqi pursed his lips and moved a little closer to him.

Seeing her sit up, Josnian coughed uncomfortably.

Ye Jiaqi was already 17 years old at that time.

Not too old, not too young, just the age when a girl's love first begins.

Knowing that she was no longer a child, Josnian moved away to avoid suspicion.

Ye Jiaqi, on the other hand, was careless. While wiping her tears, she raised her face and put her little hand on his arm: "Master Qiao, do you believe me?"

Looking at her small face, Josnian moved his eyelashes.

"Talk." Ye Jiaqi leaned against him.


Ye Jiaqi was so happy that he almost jumped up from the sofa.

"Why do you trust me so much? You're not afraid that I'll lie to you?" Ye Jiaqi leaned closer to him again.

Even so, she was very happy.

"Then you can fool me too."

"Hehehe, no, Master Qiao, I won't lie to you." Ye Jiaqi smiled.

If he trusts her so much, she won't lie to him.

When she was happy, she stretched out her little hand to wrap his arms around his neck——

However, Josnian stood up, his face darkened, and he walked upstairs.

"Hey, Master Qiao!"

Ye Jiaqi didn't catch up, but she was still happy, very happy.


The autumn wind blew, and a leaf fell on Ye Jiaqi's shoulder.

She put away the memory and lowered her eyelashes.

When I was a child, I was very naive, and she believed what he said.

In fact, he didn't know how many women he had said that to.

It's just her fool, believe me.

She foolishly believed it for so long, but now, she would never believe it again.

"You said."

Josnian's eyes fell on her face.

Ye Jiaqi laughed unscrupulously: "She fell by herself, I didn't push it."

Before Josnian could speak, Fang Lan exploded first.

She came over and scolded Ye Jiaqi: "Ye Jiaqi, do you have any shame? So many people have seen it, and you still don't admit it?"

Some people around began to whisper and fight against injustice.

"Yeah, we all saw it, it was the girl who pushed it."

"Girls lie when they're young."

"There is still surveillance here, and you dare to lie."

Fang Lan heard it, and her eyes flashed brightly: "Yes, brother-in-law, there is surveillance here, let's adjust the surveillance! There are so many of them who can testify! Brother-in-law, you have to seek justice for me!"

Ye Jiaqi's expression didn't change. Yes, she lied.

But it doesn't matter if she tells a lie or not, even if she didn't push it today, Josnian still wouldn't believe her.

Josnian was silent for a while, then raised his hand.

Ye Jiaqi's heart skipped a beat, thinking he was going to slap her.

With a flick of her eyelashes, she nearly closed her eyes.

However, his hand came down gently, brushing off the fallen leaves on her shoulders.

 (Thank you for your recommendation votes and good reviews, and thanks to "Southern Mushroom Cool," "Bosusu", "Yuya", "Acridine~Professor Yang", "Xinxi" and so on for your rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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