Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 121 Not Just Relying on Me to Pamper You

Chapter 121 Not Just Relying on Me to Pamper You

Catching the panic and distrust in her eyes, he put his hand down again.

"I believe you." Josnian said lightly.

Fang Lan's eyes widened, as if there was fire in her abdominal cavity.

Oh shit!

"Brother-in-law, do you believe her or me? So many people have testified against me, and there are surveillance cameras, yet you actually believe her or me?" Fang Lan was really angry, her expression was ugly.

Ye Jiaqi was stunned. What did he say?
He believes her?
She lied, and he believed her?
She froze in place, and didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

"Fang Lan, I said before, don't do things that pick my bottom line."

Josnian's hoarse and indifferent voice came.

His cold gaze swept Fang Lan's face like a knife.


"She's lying, but you suspect me? Brother-in-law, who do you think I am? Or do you think I'm a natural liar? I've said it all. If you don't believe me, adjust the surveillance!" Fang Lan was very angry.

Obviously this little bitch lied, but Josnian didn't believe her!

"I, Josnian, don't have your turn to tell me what to do."

One word speaks loudly.


Many of the onlookers had heard of Josnian's name, but they didn't expect... This, this, this.

Everyone was scared. Who didn't know that Josnian, Master Qiao, was cold and heartless.

After a while, everyone dispersed like frightened birds.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.

" disappoint me so much, really."

Fang Lan took a step back, wiped away her tears, and ran away crying.

The wet clothes stuck to her body, and she looked very embarrassed when she ran.

Ye Jiaqi took a step back, not daring to look into Josnian's eyes.

After taking care of Fang Lan, he will take care of her too.

She held the milk tea tightly, rubbing the cup wall uneasily.

"come over!"

Josnian gave her a cold look, then turned and walked to the parking lot.

Ye Jiaqi moved his feet uneasily, his heart pounding.

Is she going, or not?

Josnian took a few steps, realized that she was not following, and stood still with his back straight.

"Don't make me say it a second time."

Ye Jiaqi was scared, so he bit the bullet and followed.

Josnian walked to his exclusive parking lot and opened the back door.

Ye Jiaqi had already walked over, his eyes met, and the air was filled with the strong smell of gunpowder.

Burn at one point!
The driver was already sitting in the car, not daring to vent his breath.

Josnian was expressionless, but his eyes were deep and bottomless.

"You want me to carry you up?" Josnian asked.

"No, no need." Ye Jiaqi got into the car obediently.

The relationship of 12 years is still there, so he won't be able to kill her.

But, maybe.

Josnian stepped in with his long legs: "Drive."

"Yes, Master Qiao." The driver nodded.

Inside the car, the temperature plummeted, and the coldness hit.

Josnian was like a piece of ice that could freeze the hot milk tea in her hand.

The car quickly left the parking lot and drove on the main road.

"All day long, cause trouble." Josnian gave her a knife-like look, "Now that I'm doing well, I don't dare to lie."

Ye Jiaqi's heart skipped a beat. He knew she was lying.

"You know I'm lying, but you still believe me." Ye Jiaqi said flatly.

"Aren't you relying on me to pamper you unscrupulously?" Josnian's voice was flat.

"What if I murdered and set fire to it?"

"What else can I do?" Josnian paused, "Aside from helping you destroy the corpse, what other options do you have?"

Ye Jiaqi looked at him with his eyes wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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