Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 131 As long as I am here for 1 day

Chapter 131

The bullet hit Sombra's shoulder, but Sombra ran fast and escaped quickly.

Ye Jiaqi desperately covered Xiao Fanfan's ears, for fear that the little guy would be scared.

After a while, Josnian's bodyguard arrived.

"What do you all eat?"

Josnian roared angrily, his face extremely gloomy and ugly.

"Master Qiao, we are late, I'm sorry, we are willing to be punished."

"Get out!" Josnian was too lazy to get angry.

"Yes." Several bodyguards turned pale and ran away quickly.

Ye Jiaqi's shoulders trembled. She had never seen such a scene before. It was the first time in her life that she heard gunshots!
There was panic and panic in her eyes...

Josnian lowered his head and saw Ye Jiaqi still hugging Qiao Chengfan, his heart skipped a beat.

Put away the gun, squat down, and stroke her head.

"Aren't you afraid?" His voice softened a lot.


How could she not be afraid, she was even afraid of thunder.

But for some reason, as long as Xiao Fanfan is by her side, her first reaction is to protect this little guy.

This impulse, especially in the moment of danger, is particularly obvious.

It's more like instinct than reaction.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

His fingers stroked her cheek tenderly.

Qiao Chengfan hid in Ye Jiaqi's arms, too scared to come out.


When everything calmed down, the little guy cried.

"Small Sail, don't cry, it's okay, Qiqi is here." Ye Jiaqi coaxed him.

Under the moon and stars, Josnian's eyebrows and eyes were as gentle as jade.

His eyes fell on this little girl, and he didn't leave for a long time.

She is different from before.

In the past, she herself was a little girl, and she would definitely cry when encountering such a thing.

Now, she can also comfort children.

It was his negligence that allowed this to happen.

"As long as I'm here, I'll take care of you." Josnian squatted halfway, his face dark.

Under the sculpting of the night, the lines of his face became deeper and his jaw tightened, but the eyes that fell on Ye Jiaqi and Qiao Chengfan were exceptionally soft.

With a big hand, he helped Ye Jiaqi up.

Ye Jiaqi hugged Xiao Fanfan in his arms, only to realize that Josnian's arm was scratched.

Blood seeped from his black shirt, if it wasn't for the heavy smell of blood in the air, she wouldn't have known about it.

"Your injury..." Ye Jiaqi asked.

"It's okay, I'll take you home."

"Qiqi, wrap Uncle Qiao's wound, okay?" Qiao Chengfan looked at Ye Jiaqi anxiously.

There is nothing wrong with Lao Qiao, he even pointed at Lao Qiao to buy milk powder for him.

"Yes." Ye Jiaqi nodded.

At this time, she didn't care about Josnian anymore.

Back in Josnian's Rolls-Royce, someone had already delivered the medicine box.

Qiao Chengfan climbed onto the seat worriedly, looked at Old Qiao's wound, and groaned.

Josnian pinched his face and smiled, "What are you doing?"

"Hurrah, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"It doesn't hurt." Josnian smiled lightly and patted his head.

Ye Jiaqi opened the medicine box and took out the gauze and alcohol.

Josnian frowned: "You will?"

In Qiao residence, he never let her do anything.

She has never touched Yang Chunshui with her ten fingers, will she bandage it?
"I can't." Ye Jiaqi shrugged, "If you're afraid, call someone else."

"There's no reason why you didn't say it earlier." Josnian gave her a disgusted look.

Ye Jiaqi unbuttoned his shirt, took off half of his clothes, and quickly picked up a piece of alcohol cotton.

The action is fast and done in one go!
"Can't you be gentle?" Josnian gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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