Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 132 I heard that giving birth hurts

Chapter 132 I heard that giving birth hurts
Ye Jiaqi acted as if he couldn't hear, and pressed the alcohol cotton to clean his wound.

Immediately, he was given medicine again.

"Ye Jiaqi!" Josnian was annoyed.

She strikes very hard!

"Man, how can you be light?" Ye Jiaqi raised his eyebrows and gave him a frivolous look.

In an instant, the corners of Josnian's lips curled up.

She is quite narrow-minded, imitating his speech!

Josnian patted her face and lowered his voice: "Yes, I don't feel it if it's light. Hiss..."

As soon as Ye Jiaqi tried hard, he strangled him severely when he tied the gauze.

Josnian frowned, his eyes burst into flames.

"Of course I don't feel it." Ye Jiaqi gave him a vengeful look.

Qiao Chengfan looked at his father for a while, and Qiqi for a while.

What are they... talking about?
So profound.

The little guy crawled to Josnian's side and looked at his arm distressedly: "Uncle Qiao, does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Josnian patted his head.

It's better than my own son.

Qiao Chengfan climbed into Josnian's arms, insisting on hugging him.

Ye Jiaqi was really puzzled, did Xiao Fanfan and Josnian have such a good relationship?so affectionate...

There's nothing close to someone like Josnian.

"I'll take you home." Josnian glanced at Ye Jiaqi.

"I can hit..."


"Yes, Joe."

The driver heard the order and immediately started the car.

Qiao Chengfan was tired, this time he was really sleepy, and fell asleep in Josnian's arms.

The little guy looked very well-behaved while sleeping, and his long eyelashes cast fan-shaped shadows under his eyes.

"You hug him," Josnian said.

"Oh, okay, I hug."

Ye Jiaqi carefully took Xiao Fanfan from Josnian's arms.

The little guy was soft, like a ball of cotton in his arms.

Ye Jiaqi looked down at the little guy, smiled happily, and couldn't help rubbing his face against his.

Josnian glanced at her, did he like children so much?

The smile on her face was not fake.

However, when he thought of what she said that night, his face darkened.

"Don't want to have a baby with me?"


"What if I insist on not doing anything?"

"I'll take medicine afterwards."

"What if you accidentally get pregnant?"

"Neither would I!"

There was a coldness on the corner of Josnian's mouth. He closed his eyes and didn't speak again.

Ye Jiaqi didn't know what Josnian was thinking, she just stared at Xiao Fanfan stupidly.

She likes him so much, she really wants to secretly hug him home.

Xiao Safan must be a gift from heaven, it must be.

It was very quiet in the car.

After thinking for a while, Ye Jiaqi whispered, "Master Qiao."

Josnian didn't open his eyes, but only responded lightly, "Yes."

"Xiao Safan was adopted by his father, right?"

"Don't say this in front of children."

"Oh." Ye Jiaqi also realized that something was wrong.

"What's wrong."

Ye Jiaqi moved his lips: "I... like Xiao Fanfan and want to adopt it."

"Why not give birth to yourself."

Ye Jiaqi's heart hurts a little. The lost child is her eternal pain.

"I heard that giving birth is painful, so I don't want to." Ye Jiaqi said flatly.

Josnian sneered and remained silent.

Giving birth hurts?This excuse is too clumsy.

Seeing that Josnian had stopped talking, Ye Jiaqi also lowered his head and stopped talking.

The car quickly drove to the downstairs where Ye Jiaqi lived.

After stopping, Ye Jiaqi wanted to give Xiao Fanfan to Josnian.

As soon as she moved, the little one woke up.

"Fanfan, Qiqi is going back."

(End of this chapter)

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