Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 137 Qiao Ye, You Can't

Chapter 137 Qiao Ye, You Can't

Since Josnian is here, she won't go.

Josnian, who was on the phone, saw Ye Jiaqi poked his head to look around, then shrank back, so he hung up.

In the bathroom, Ye Jiaqi was drying his hair with a dry towel.

Josnian walked over and took her hair dryer: "I'll blow it for you."

Ye Jiaqi tossed his hair and jumped away in shock.

"That's unbearable."

What's more, she couldn't praise Josnian's hair-drying skills.

Josnian's face was displeased, he pulled her to his side, and pressed her hard.

Turn on the hair dryer——

"Why are you so domineering? I rejected you." Ye Jiaqi was dissatisfied.


"Master Qiao, your skills are so poor, you better stop bragging."


"Master Qiao, you can't do it."

"Ye Jiaqi." Josnian said with a cold smile that was not a smile, "Can I do it? Haven't you tried?"

Oh shit.

Ye Jiaqi had a cold face.

Can you stop doing this?

Josnian's slender fingers ran through Ye Jiaqi's hair, and the bathroom smelled nice of flowers.

After playing for a while, Ye Jiaqi realized that his level...was still as poor as it was three years ago.

It's just that I didn't have the heart to expose him.

"Master Qiao, can you stop blowing at one place? I can smell the burning smell..." Ye Jia looked forward to the sky.

"Oh." Josnian frowned slightly before realizing something was wrong.

After a while, Ye Jiaqi suddenly remembered that he had an injury on his arm.

She wanted to grab the hair dryer from him: "I'll do it myself, you're still injured."

"I like to start and finish things well."


Ye Jiaqi knew that he couldn't beat him.

Opposite her is a mirror, and the mirror is covered with white water vapor, which is indistinct.

However, she saw Josnian's serious face in the mirror.

He really did everything in a serious manner, blowing his hair as if he was negotiating tens of millions of contracts.

The bathroom was quiet except for the whirring of the hairdryer.

The hot air was blowing on Ye Jiaqi's head and neck, making it very comfortable.

After a day of playing, a day of fighting, and a day of fighting, she is also tired...

In a daze, she closed her eyes.

By the time Josnian dried her hair, she had already fallen asleep.

Josnian gently put down the hair dryer, picked her up horizontally, carried her into the bedroom, and placed her gently beside Qiao Chengfan.

Pull off the quilt to cover them.

The tall body stood by the bed, but he didn't want to leave.

Ye Jiaqi had a long dream.

In her dream, she dreamed that her little bastard was back, bouncing around and healthy.

Just as the little guy called "Mom" and walked towards her, Josnian suddenly appeared——

He bent down and took her baby away.

Her little bastard cried and cried and cried very sadly.

"Josnian!" Ye Jiaqi shook his head in pain.

Before Josnian left, he quickly bent down and grabbed her hand: "I'm here."

Is she having another nightmare?
"Don't take my baby away, don't take away..."

Ye Jiaqi's palms were covered with cold sweat.

"Qiqi." He called out nervously.

Ye Jiaqi shouted for a while, then fell quiet again.

The nightmare is over.

Josnian thought about it, put her hand back, stood up, and turned off the bedroom light.


Early the next morning, Qiao Chengfan woke up first.

Hey, why is Dad sleeping on the sofa?Why don't you sleep with Qiqi?

He ran over lightly, scratching Old Joe with his little hand.


Josnian opened his eyes, his voice hoarse: "Are you awake?"

(End of this chapter)

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