Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 138 Who Was Calling Dad Just Now?

Chapter 138 Who Was Calling Dad Just Now?
"Wake up!" The little guy's big eyes were radiant!
"Then get ready and go home."

"Ah, aren't you going to play with Qi Qi today?" Of course Qiao Chengfan was reluctant.

"You still want to play?" Josnian scowled.

"Oh, stop playing, stop playing."

Qiao Chengfan was about to run to the bathroom.

"Wait, what's going on, cutie, you're not going to explain to me." Josnian looked at him indifferently.


"Little cutie...Little cutie is just praising old Qiao that your son is cute." Qiao Chengfan grinned.

He just temporarily changed the script yesterday to boast about himself.

Unexpectedly, Old Qiao seemed to be angry.

Moreover, it seems, it seems that Old Joe's face is becoming more and more terrifying...


Qiao Chengfan hurriedly slipped into the bathroom!
Josnian glanced at him, this little thing!
Before Ye Jiaqi woke up, Joss went to the bedroom lightly.

Ye Jiaqi slept very well and quietly, curled up slightly, like a sleeping pet cat.

So good that people can't help but want to touch it.

Josnian stretched out his hand, and his slender fingers outlined her delicate and small face.

Slowly, he lowered his body and pecked lightly on her red lips.

After tucking the quilt up for her, Josnian walked out.

In the bathroom, Xiao Safan was already obediently brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Josnian looked at him with a slight curve on his lips.

This little guy, don't worry about it, he's smart, but he's also precocious.

After packing up, Josnian and Qiao Chengfan were ready to leave.

Ye Jiaqi slept soundly and opened his eyes in a daze. Xiao Fanfan was no longer there.

Panicked, she quickly grabbed her coat and got out of bed.

"Father, let's go." In the living room, Qiao Chengfan took Josnian's big hand.

Ye Jiaqi paused, Dad? ? ?

Who is Xiao Sail talking to?

Could it be that Mr. Ye is here?

She straightened her hair and hurriedly opened the door.

In the end, there were still only Xiao Safan and Josnian in the living room.

"Dad... Ah, Qiqi, are you awake? Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Qiao Chengfan quickly shook off Josnian's hand.

Ye Jiaqi rubbed his eyes and fell into a drowsy sleep.

"No, Xiao Fanfan, I just woke up." Ye Jiaqi said, "Who... were you calling Dad just now?"

"Ah? No..." Qiao Chengfan realized something was wrong, and looked at Old Qiao for help.

Josnian ignored him.

He slapped his thigh: "Oh, I just called my dad!"

"Really? Has your father returned from a business trip?" Ye Jiaqi asked again.

Qiao Chengfan felt that his IQ was not enough...

At this moment, Josnian said slowly, "His father hasn't come back yet."

"Oh." Ye Jiaqi felt relieved.

Since she hasn't come back yet, does it mean that she can play with Xiao Fanfan for a few more days?

"Then Master Qiao, can you discuss with Mr. Ye that Xiao Fanfan stay with me for a few days? I can take care of him."

Ye Jiaqi looked at Josnian expectantly.

Ye Jiaqi, who put away his sharp claws, was much more docile, and Josnian was very moved.

However, he still refused.

"He can stay in Qiao's house," Josnian said.

"Oh." Ye Jiaqi's big eyes were full of disappointment.

Qiao Chengfan's big eyes were also full of disappointment.

"..." Josnian glanced at them, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Let's go, go home." Josnian expressionlessly took Qiao Chengfan's little hand.

(End of this chapter)

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