Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 139 This Ye Jiaqi has a background

Chapter 139 This Ye Jiaqi has a background

In the days without Xiao Sail, Ye Jiaqi's life returned to the original point.

"Jiaqi, a week later there will be a wine party on the Shengshi Cruise ship, and there will be many celebrities attending, so you are responsible for going to the venue." Sister Pei instructed.

"Really? Thank you, Miss Pei, for giving me such a good opportunity."

Ye Jiaqi was very happy. On such an important occasion, it was usually not the turn of a newcomer.

Do this kind of report a few more times, and the popularity will soon increase.

Moreover, such an occasion can be close to many important people.

She has little interest in big shots, she wants to exercise herself.

She also needs such an opportunity to improve.

At least, if you earn more money, you can buy beautiful clothes for Xiao Fanfan in the future.

"You don't need to thank me. Newcomers should exercise more. I am optimistic about you." Sister Pei smiled and walked away, "You should prepare early."

"Okay! Guaranteed to complete the task smoothly."

Ye Jiaqi was very happy, and began to collect information and take notes on the Internet.

She has always had a clear conscience about her work.

Every time, very seriously.

In Bei Ying's interview last time, she and Yaoyao took the headlines and got a generous bonus.

This time, she will do it seriously.

She made a cup of coffee and began to write the proposal.

Shengshi cruise ship, I heard that it is a gathering place for high-class people, and various parties are often held there!

The wine party this time must be unparalleled.

She has never been to that kind of place, such an opportunity is rare.

She immersed herself in writing the plan, and after writing for a while, her back ached.

Ye Jiaqi stood up and went to the bathroom.

As soon as I entered, I heard the happy voice of my colleagues.

"Oh, No! You said that I have been fighting for so long but haven't won the opportunity to report on the scene of the reception. Why should Miss Pei give it to a newcomer?"

"Huanhuan, if you ask us, we don't know. I heard that Ye Jiaqi has a background."

"Have a background? Can the background be bigger than my boyfriend? My boyfriend is the son of the chairman of the Huanyu Group! Who in this capital doesn't know the Huanyu Group!"

"Huanhuan, don't be angry, don't we have the same chance?"

"That's right, Huanhuan, the little girl who just graduated now has a lot of thoughts. Maybe she got a godfather when she was in college."

"Yeah, if someone goes to the scene, maybe he's going to see his godfather."

"You say, why, I have been in Zunhuang for three years, and I can't get this kind of opportunity. What else should I do? It's better to leave!"

"Huanhuan, don't be angry, there must be something good for someone to accompany godfather, isn't it?"

"That's right, maybe it's an ugly and perverted old man. She kneels and licks every day, so there must be some benefit."

Ye Jiaqi turned on the tap and gritted his teeth.


She didn't expect that her colleague who usually gets along with her in harmony has this face.

The person in the bathroom walked out while talking.

As soon as a group of people came out, they saw Ye Jiaqi, pushed and shoved, bowed their heads and left, pretending nothing happened.

Only when Huanhuan passed by her, she was arrogant and cast a cold eye.

Ye Jiaqi lowered his head to wash his hands, then flushed his face again.

She doesn't care about them.

What is false and non-existent will be cleared by the clear.

However, she could see the faces of these people clearly.

"Jiaqi, aren't you feeling well?" Yaoyao walked in bouncing around.

Yaoyao is a carefree girl who joined the company with Ye Jiaqi.

"No, wash your face and continue working later." Ye Jiaqi smiled.

"Okay, I'll do an interview later, and I'll bring you lunch when I come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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