Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 161 The old man who doesn't understand the style

Chapter 161 The old man who doesn't understand the style

With his ability, it is easy to check individuals.But, that's not very interesting.

The girl you picked up by yourself is the most interesting.

"Sir, you can come and go freely at the reception, and there are bodyguards at the front and back. Wouldn't it be easy to know my name?"

"No, no, I just want you to tell me yourself."

Huo Jingyi leaned forward, with a smile on his lips, half serious and half angry.

Ye Jiaqi felt that if he didn't say anything, he would inevitably misunderstand.

"Ye Jiaqi."

"Ye Jiaqi? It sounds familiar...have we met?"

Huo Jingyi still had a smile on his face.

He has heard too many names, and he is actually not familiar with this name at all.

However, strike up a conversation with the appearance of strike up a conversation.

"This is the second time we've met." Ye Jiaqi held up two fingers.

"There must be a third and infinite times."

Huo Jingyi had a mysterious confidence on his face, he grabbed Ye Jiaqi's hand and put it down.

He never disappoints himself.

Ye Jiaqi smiled: "Let's go with fate."

With that, she stood up.

"Wait, it's still early for the reception to end, why don't you drink with me?" Huo Jingyi said.

"No, sir. To be honest, I'm a small reporter for an entertainment company. It hasn't been long since I became a full-time employee. My work comes first."

"Oh?" Huo Jingyi drew a long tail, "Entertainment company? Which one?"

Which of the entertainment companies in the capital is not related to him.

If it happens to belong to him, then isn't this woman one of his?

Ye Jiaqi understood that if he really wanted to know, she couldn't hide it.

She simply shrugged and said bluntly.


Huo Jingyi frowned, this is not good.


Unfortunately, this family is really not under his banner, and has nothing to do with him.

This belonged to Josnian's incomprehensible old man.

"Sir, your girlfriend is here, I'm leaving first."

Ye Jiaqi glanced at the women who were walking towards them, and left the hall with his bag.

Huo Jingyi was soon entangled by several female stars.

"Mr. Huo, you didn't drink with me tonight, you're not happy."

"Mr. Huo, did you receive the text message I sent you last time? Why don't you go home?"

"Mr. Huo, I just bought a small villa near your house, and we will be neighbors from now on."


"Let's go!"

Huo Jingyi's face darkened, and his tone was very impatient.

Ye Jiaqi went out and took a deep breath.

The evening wind blows her long hair, the moonlight is alluring, and the water under the cruise ship is sparkling.

She stood on the deck to blow the wind for a while, which was very comfortable on such a lukewarm night.

Looking forward, there is a black sky, black sea water, and endless water surface in the distance.

It was the first time for her to come to a cruise ship. Although Josnian was rich, he had never brought her here.

Maybe he only takes the female companions he can take out...

How could she take a girl like her.

"Seven seven, seven seven..."

Suddenly, a limp little hand tugged at her skirt underneath.

There was grievance in the milky voice.

"Little Sail?"

Ye Jiaqi looked down and was startled, why is the little guy here?

Looking at it again, the little guy is really well dressed today, just like a little gentleman.

"It's me." Qiao Chengfan looked up at Ye Jiaqi, pouted, feeling aggrieved.

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Ye Jiaqi knelt down and touched his face distressedly.

She hasn't seen Xiao Safan for a long time.

 (Happy weekend, remember to vote for Luo Yi and leave a message~ Recommendation tickets are available every day, and you can vote every day~)


(End of this chapter)

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