Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 162 Chapter 77 is your mother

Chapter 162 Qi Qi is Your Mother

She thought that after the adoption procedures were completed, she would be able to see Xiao Safan in a fair manner.

But now, the little guy seems to be being bullied.

"A bad boy bullied me just now..."

Qiao Chengfan wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and pouted his mouth high.

"Ah? Which bad boy? Qiqi took you to bully and come back! How can you bully our little Sail."

It's okay for Ye Jiaqi to be wronged, but Xiao Fanfan can't be wronged.

How can he be bullied when he is only so big!

Also, who brought him to a place like a cruise ship?

"He's back home." Qiao Chengfan looked unhappy, "He said I don't have a mother, woo..."

Ye Jiaqi's heart seemed to be poked by a needle.


My heart hurts so much it's about to burst.

Although Xiao Safan is only three years old, she already has memories.

He was sad to be told that, right?
Back then, when she was kicked out of the house by her stepmother and was living on the streets, a group of bad kids said she was an abandoned child that no one wanted!
At that time, she was very angry.

At first, she would bend down and pick up rocks from the ground and throw them at them.

Later, she didn't even have the courage to pick up stones.

Sad, aching, sad.

Now, Xiao Fanfan is also being said that way, she can understand that feeling.

She held the limp hand of the little guy, looked into his big eyes, and smiled slightly.

"Xiao Fanfan, don't be afraid, Qiqi is your mother."

Qiao Chengfan especially liked the way Ye Jiaqi smiled, it was so pretty.

But, but...

What if he lied to Ye Jiaqi.

Can't blame him, can't blame him.

It was Old Joe who made him say so.

He is a repeater.

Well, repeater!
"Xiao Fanfan, Qiqi will treat you well, pamper you, buy you new clothes, take you out to play, and give you the best, okay?"

Ye Jiaqi was very distressed and hugged the little guy into his arms.

The little guy's body is soft, and she likes to hug him very much.

"Okay..." The little guy was very happy.

He is so happy!
He especially likes Ye Jiaqi!

Although he didn't know why, he liked it at first sight!

Is this what adults call love at first sight?

With so many beautiful sisters, he didn't feel this way.

But Qiqi is different...

"Hey, don't worry about what those children say, our Xiao Fanfan doesn't care about them."

Ye Jiaqi picked him up from the ground.

"En!" The little guy nodded obediently.

"Small Sail looks really nice today, who did you come with?" Ye Jiaqi changed the subject.

She knows that children are very forgetful, and it is best to let him forget.

"Dad... Angry Uncle Joe."

Qiao Chengfan covered his mouth and almost missed the point again.

Ye Jiaqi smiled: "Why do you always call him 'Domineering Uncle Qiao'? He's not domineering at all."

"But I think Uncle Joe is very domineering, and I like him."

"You are so cute, everything is right."

Ye Jiaqi hugged the little guy, not daring to get too close to the railing, for fear that the little guy would fall.

She hugged him and walked around.

Being able to talk to the little guy is the best!

Qiao Chengfan put his arm around Ye Jiaqi's neck, tilted his head, and buried his head in the hollow of her neck.

"Qiqi, you smell so sweet, can I give you a kiss?"

Qiao Chengfan started to quarrel with Ye Jiaqi indecently, giggling.

"If you kiss me, I have to kiss you, okay?"

Qiao Chengfan kissed her on the neck and smiled wickedly.

"Little bastard!"

Ye Jiaqi didn't spare him, and kissed him when he wasn't paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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