Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 168 I just like to teach him bad

Chapter 168 I just like to teach him bad

Josnian hooked his lips: "You tugged at my clothes and refused to let them go, forgot?"

Everyone was shocked.

A woman tugging at a man's clothes and refusing to let them go?
According to Master Qiao's character, he should have kicked him a long time ago.

Ye Jiaqi was silent.

How can there be such a brazen person in the world, who can say black is white.

Obviously, he was the one who tricked her with a lollipop first.

But it doesn't matter if I don't mention things about my childhood.

Ye Jiaqi breathed a sigh of relief when the last one was finally finished.

We won the last two sets, which is fine.

Josnian stood up, took the suit from the hanger and hung it in his arms: "You play, that's all for today."

Everyone had an expression of "I understand", and no one stopped them.

After leaving the private room, Ye Jiaqi felt that the world was clear.

The corridors are quiet and dark.

Josnian walked ahead with firm steps.

Ye Jiaqi followed closely, following suit.

At the end, Josnian took out his room card and opened a suite.

"Master Qiao, I brought Xiao Safan back, I'll call for someone to bring him up."

"No, he's already asleep."

"Huh? Is it?"

"The waiter texted me."

"Oh, that's it." Ye Jiaqi nodded.

Josnian entered the suite, hung up his clothes casually, and then started to unbutton his black shirt.

Ye Jiaqi stood at the door, neither going in nor leaving.

"Master Qiao, I have something to tell you."

"What." Josnian's thin lips parted slightly.

He stood in front of the mirror and straightened his clothes.

"Small Sail is still a child, at the stage where he is very curious about everything and likes to imitate, and he is very smart, he can learn quickly. You shouldn't bring him to this kind of place!"

This kind of cruise ship is called a gathering place for the rich at a good point, or a romantic place at a bad point.

"He calls your name at home, what can I do?"


He is very good at shirking responsibility!

So, it's her fault? !
Josnian looked calm.

"Master Qiao, Xiao Fanfan is still a child. What does he know? If he wants to come, you bring him here. If he wants the stars in the sky tomorrow, will you pick them up for him? If you do this, if Xiao Fanfan If your father knows, what will he think?"

"The child brings out a lot of knowledge, what's the problem?"

"Of course there is a problem! You can go to other places to gain knowledge, such as the aquarium and science and technology museum. What kind of knowledge do you bring him here? Learn to play cards with you? Or learn to drink with you?"

Ye Jiaqi was so angry that his little heart was pounding.

This was the first time she had challenged Josnian like this after three years!
Josnian glanced at her and walked over with long legs.

As soon as he came, the air pressure plummeted.

"In your eyes, am I just so useless? Only play cards? Drink?"

"More than that." Ye Jiaqi took a step back, blinked, "eating, drinking, whoring and gambling."

Josnian sneered.

"Everything needs evidence."

"Isn't it the best evidence just now, you don't admit that you played cards?"

"It's like you didn't fight."

Josnian couldn't help but sneer again.


"It's just an ordinary entertainment. I can't bear to be labeled as eating, drinking, whoring and gambling."

"Then you shouldn't bring Xiaofanfan here either!"

"It's not my son anyway, so I like to teach him badly, okay?"

"Josnian! I've never seen you so unreasonable!"

Ye Jiaqi was furious!

If it's not his son, can he do this? ? ?
Josnian's tall body pressed over him, with a half-smile on the corner of his lips, expressionless.

 (It’s a new week, dear friends, remember to vote for Luo Yi, the recommendation vote is available every day, and you can vote every day~)


(End of this chapter)

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