Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 169 Seduce Joe Si Nian!

Chapter 169 Seduce Joe Si Nian!
Ye Jiaqi felt that when she officially adopted Xiao Fanfan, she would be optimistic about Xiao Fanfan.

He won't be allowed to come into contact with Josnian!
for sure!
Their eyes were facing each other, their swords were tense, and the atmosphere was a bit cold.

Ye Jiaqi's hands were behind his back.

Josnian was taller than her, and when he lowered his head, he was condescending.

In terms of aura, she lost a bit first.

Ye Jiaqi knew that he was no match for Josnian.

He could kill her with one look!

Just when she moved her lips and was about to speak, suddenly——

A woman in a pink tutu jumped up from the stairs, sprained her ankle, and fell at Josnian's feet.


The woman let out a delicate cry, and reached out to hug Josnian's leg.

At this moment, Josnian stepped back and quickly turned sideways, protecting Ye Jiaqi behind him.

At the same time, he pulled out a gun from behind his waist and pointed it at the woman's temple!

With a cold glance, his eyes were full of killing intent.

The surrounding temperature has dropped a few degrees, and the murderous look is full.

Ye Jiaqi dodged subconsciously and hid behind him, clutching his shirt tightly with his little hands.

She opened her mouth wide, panicked, and hid behind Josnian not daring to move.

For some reason, her first reaction was not to run, but to hide behind him.

The habit formed in 12 years is really hard to change.

She was like this in the past, whenever something happened, she would hide behind Josnian.

The parents would be reprimanded by the teacher, and she also hid behind Josnian.

He picked her back, and she gave him a lot of trust.

In her eyes, he is her reliance and patron saint.

In her eyes, he is the best.

But, that was just once.

"No, no, don't kill me..."

The woman was frightened, hugged her head, and shivered.

The cold muzzle of the gun touched her temple, and the touch was as cold as a stone.

Her body was shaking so badly that she closed her eyes in fright and her voice trembled.

"Don''t...don't kill me..."

Women are terrified.

She was afraid that if Josnian's gun was fired, she would die!died!
Who, who can tell her why Master qiao carries a gun with him? ? ?

She hugged her head tightly and lay on the ground.

Josnian didn't close his gun, but let his guard down.

It's he who's over-hearted.

Just a woman in the wrong place.

Ye Jiaqi, on the other hand, slowly calmed down. She heard a familiar voice, Zuo Qianqian?
She opened her eyes and poked her head out from behind Josnian.

Sure enough, it was really Zuo Qianqian!
This woman seemed to have discussed it with He Dangui and came up with such a trick to seduce Josnian!

It's so good that even Josnian can touch it everywhere.

It's a pity that this fall was ugly.

She looked at the shivering woman on the ground and sneered.

She slowly let go of her hand and walked out from behind Josnian.

Lifting her foot, she kicked the woman on the ground.

"No, no, no..." The woman howled ghostly, not daring to open her eyes, "Don't kill me...I didn't mean to...I don't want to die...don't..."

The voice was sharp, hoarse, unpleasant, with a crying voice.

Josnian was about to close his gun, but Ye Jiaqi's hand was on the back of his.

As if there was an electric current, Josnian looked at her suspiciously, pursing his thin lips tightly.

In the dim light, Ye Jiaqi reached for the pistol along the back of his hand.

The first time I touched this kind of thing, I was a little shaken.

"Master Qiao, let go."

She didn't look up, she looked at Zuo Qianqian on the ground.

 (Thanks to "Plain", "San Ye.", "Pomelo Girl", "Beau°", "Nan Nan", "Professor SUN" and so on for the rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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