Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 173 Contact 3 years ago

Chapter 173 The Contact Three Years Ago
Just as Ye Jiaqi was about to leave, the sound of the water stopped.

As soon as the bathroom door opened, Josnian wrapped a towel and stood at the door, blocking her way.

Water was still dripping from his body, and the water droplets flowed down his broad and muscular abdominal muscles, and his facial features became more delicate and profound.

This man, from top to bottom, exudes a wild, unrestrained, mature and charming atmosphere.

"Joe, Master Qiao, let me go." Ye Jiaqi was embarrassed.

She is leaving.

"Run after using me?"

Josnian's dark eyes fell on her.

Ye Jiaqi felt uncomfortable being watched by him, neither advancing nor retreating.

The door to the still open.

"Hehehe, how dare I use Master Qiao, how dare I use you...I...ah..."

Before she could finish speaking, Josnian reached out and dragged her into the steamy bathroom. The bathroom was misty, and the white tiled walls were wet and cold.

Her back was leaning against the wall, and without giving her any chance to resist, he tilted his head and kissed her.

Ye Jiaqi's mind went blank for an instant.

After blanking, there is only a movie-like flickering, and the memories go back and forth.

Josnian surrounded her by the wall. The faint smell of tobacco on his body, mixed with his unique scent, stimulated Ye Jiaqi's nerves.

Similarly, Ye Jiaqi's unique fragrance also disturbed Josnian's mind.

The bathroom is filled with water mist, and the white water vapor is hazy, like flowers in a mirror, and the moon in the water.

Entangled back and forth, like two kites flying in the air.

Her little hand tried to push it away, but to no avail, her heart beat faster, like a deer bumping wildly.

There was a great fire all around—

The fire spread, not a blade of grass grew!
"Hmm..." She tried to speak several times, but couldn't speak.

Her whole body was uncomfortable.

Josnian had no intention of letting her go.

"don't want……"

With all his strength, Ye Jiaqi finally pushed him away. There was resistance in his misty eyes, and his big watery eyes were full of innocence.

"Resist what? Huh?"

Josnian didn't force it, put one hand on her side, and looked at her with burning eyes.

They are still very close.

"Master Qiao, I can't have intimate contact with people I don't like."

"Look me in the eyes and say it again."

Josnian's eyes were bloodthirsty as he stared at her intently.

"Master Qiao, I can't have intimate contact with people I don't like."

Say it again and say it again.

It's just that she didn't dare to look into Josnian's eyes, her eyes were very dodgy.

Fearing that Josnian would bring up old troubles, she simply said, "The contact three years ago was due to drunkenness and ignorance. There is no other meaning."

Josnian's eyes were bloodshot.

He looked down at her from a high position, like a lion watching its prey, his whole body was full of coldness.

His mood was extremely bad.

Ye Jiaqi's heart was pounding.

With his hands behind his back, he touched the cold wall.

"Qiqi, Qiqi, I want Qiqi..."

At this moment, the immature voice of a child came from outside the door.

Ye Jiaqi panicked and pushed Josnian.

"Xiao Safan is coming, get out of the way."

It's not good for children to see them like this.

She hastily straightened her skirt and hair, and wiped her lips vigorously.

The waiter outside grabbed Qiao Chengfan, his face flustered.

"Young master, let me inform Master Qiao first."

Master Qiao ordered, no one can come in casually!

"The door is open, Qi Qi..."

Qiao Chengfan didn't care, he shook off the waiter's hand and ran this way.

(End of this chapter)

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