Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 174 You have a temper

Chapter 174 You have a temper

"The door is open, Qi Qi..."

Qiao Chengfan didn't care, he shook off the waiter's hand and ran this way.

Following the sound of footsteps, Ye Jiaqi hurried out.

"Young Master, Young Master!" The waiter shouted anxiously.

However, he couldn't stop him anymore, and Qiao Chengfan ran to the door of the suite.

Helpless, the waiter had no choice but to back down.

Qiao Chengfan saw Ye Jiaqi at a glance, and he threw his arms around Ye Jiaqi's leg.

"Qiqi, I woke up, you still haven't come to find me..."

The little guy looked up with a red face, and there was a little joy in his eyes.

Ye Jiaqi reached out, stroked his little head, and smiled.

The unhappiness just now disappeared.

On the contrary, Josnian's face was gloomy. He walked over with long legs and spoke indifferently.

"What do you want her to do!"

Qiao Chengfan was taken aback. Old Qiao had a fight with Qiqi?

Ye Jiaqi hugged the little guy into his arms, turned his head and glanced at Josnian, and said coldly, "Please don't scare the kids."

Josnian became even more angry, and he strode forward.

With some force, Qiao Chengfan was pulled out of Ye Jiaqi's arms.


Qiao Chengfan was terrified.

The black eyes are wide open, timidly.

Josnian pulled Qiao Chengfan to his side, lowered his head and warned him in a cold voice, "From now on, don't contact her without my permission!"

"Josnian!" Ye Jiaqi called out.

"Can you be more reasonable? Xiao Fanfan is not your child, you have no right to manage it!"


Qiao Chengfan cried in fright, really cried in fright.

Dad is so fierce.

How could he do this, how could he not be allowed to have contact with Qiqi?
It was hard for them to have feelings, and they even had cake together at night.

How could dad be like this...


The little guy cried very sadly.

Ye Jiaqi's heart pounded, and he was in a mess.

She stepped forward, trying to snatch Xiao Fanfan over.

However, Josnian was like a stone, standing in front of her coldly and hard!
"Ye Jiaqi, since it was a mistake three years ago, I must stop this mistake from continuing."

"Josnian, I don't understand what you're talking about. If you lose your temper at me, let go of Xiao Fanfan."

Josnian gave the waiter not far away a cold look.

"Take the young master down!"


"Wow...don't...I won't go...I want Qiqi..."

Qiao Chengfan cried loudly, heartbroken.

However, he was hugged tightly by the waiter and carried him down.

Gradually, Ye Jiaqi could no longer hear the little guy's voice.

She chased it out!
Josnian grabbed her wrist and pushed her down against the wall.

Ye Jiaqi was so angry that his face turned purple and he was out of breath.

"Josnian, how could you do this? Why don't you allow me to have contact with Xiao Safan? Why do you?!"

"Just because I, Josnian, have the final say on this capital city!
"Overbearing! Shameless! Bastard!"

"That's right, I'm domineering, shameless, bastard. So, Ye Jiaqi, don't mess with me."

Josnian was really angry, his face was livid, and his jaw line was tight.

There is a deep chill all over the body!
"What did I do to you? I just don't like you. No one likes you like this! Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention it just now. I crawled on your bed three years ago. First, I was drunk, and second, I was young and ignorant." , Three times... I'm greedy for your money!"

Isn't this the answer he wanted?

In his heart, she is such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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