Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 178 Don't leave the baby alone

Chapter 178 Don't Leave Your Baby Alone
"Meng Chen." Josnian called out lightly.

"Grandpa, I'm here."

"Go buy that biscuit."

"it is good."

Meng Chen knew that Josnian didn't sleep all the way, but just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Josnian walked to the dining table, where a hearty breakfast had already been prepared.

Just, a little dull.


Ye Jiaqi didn't sleep well all night, and only fell asleep dimly at dawn.

However, as soon as she fell asleep, she would dream of Xiao Safan holding her by the corner of her clothes and crying pitifully.

"Qiqi, don't leave me, don't leave the baby alone..."

When she cries, she wakes up with a start.

Turning on the phone, Mr. Ye still didn't reply to her.

She didn't know if she had offended Mr. Ye, but last night she just said "I will take good care of Xiao Safan, Mr. Ye, give me a chance".

Later, when she got no response, she sent several "Mr. Ye, are you there?".

Still, no response.

Did Josnian speak ill of her to Mr. Ye?
Mr. Ye and Josnian are good friends, and they have never even met her face to face.

He must have believed in Josnian a little more.

What would Josnian say about her?
Said she was ungrateful?Say she doesn't know how to repay the favor?Said she was a white-eyed wolf?

Ha ha……

Yes, she is a white-eyed wolf.

Josnian has raised her for 12 years, and now she doesn't even want to sleep with him for one night.

The room with the curtains drawn was very dark, and the sunlight from the morning sun could not penetrate.

Ye Jiaqi bit his finger and swipe the phone.

My heart gradually cooled down, without any warmth.

I don't know when, the pillow got wet, and there were water stains in pieces.

"Josnian, you're a fucking bastard."

Whenever she thought of Xiao Safan's appearance, she felt sad, and this kind of sadness was piercing to the bone.

She had never cared so much about a child before, she didn't know if it was fate.

But now, Josnian forbade her to see Xiao Safan.

Could it be that he wants to encourage Mr. Ye not to allow her to adopt Xiao Fanfan?

Ye Jiaqi tossed and turned and couldn't sleep anymore.

The room was quiet save for her low sobs.

All morning, she was lying on the bed, her heart seemed to have been poked a few times.

throbbing pain.

She suddenly remembered three years ago——

After the child was aborted, she lay on the bed without eating or drinking, staring blankly at the ceiling.

Sometimes I cry, but most of the time, I don't say a word.

At that time, she didn't even have the courage to question Josnian.

Josnian didn't call her either.

She only made one decision, and from then on, she would erase him from her heart forever and ever.

She will not love him again.

If she could, she would never see him again.

It's just that she didn't expect that he would come back from abroad. She thought he would stay in England for the rest of his life.

What is he doing back here?

Ye Jiaqi was lying on the bed, flipping through his phone blankly.

He couldn't read a single word, his eyes were full of Xiao Fanfan's little face.

She really wanted to hug him, eat cake with him, and listen to his funny little things.

Josnian is so cruel.

Just like that, Ye Jiaqi lay in bed for a whole Sunday.

It's just that she didn't expect that when she arrived at the company on Monday, there would be no roses every day.

Habits are a terrible thing.

When she didn't see the rose at first sight, she froze for a while.

Then, the corners of his lips moved ironically.

She put away the vase and threw away all the roses from the previous few days.

She knew that Josnian was a man of one mind and one heart.

(End of this chapter)

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