Chapter 179
Even if Xiao Safan is not his child, he still has enough control.

What's more, Mr. Ye is abroad, so he entrusted Xiao Fanfan to him, so naturally he has the final say.

"Jiaqi, your boyfriend didn't send flowers today?"

There were many people in the office, and someone noticed it immediately.

Ye Jiaqi smiled: "It wasn't a gift from my boyfriend in the first place."

"Really? I thought only boyfriends would send roses." Everyone looked in disbelief.

Ye Jiaqi was a little embarrassed.

"I do not have a boyfriend."

"Jiaqi, the man who was looking for you downstairs that day, who are you?"

Ye Jiaqi thought about it and guessed that they were talking about Chuhe.

"It's my senior."

"Senior..." Everyone booed.

Seniors and juniors already have a rather ambiguous meaning, but it's even more serious when everyone coaxes them together.

"Don't think too much, it's really just my senior who helped me a lot in college." Ye Jiaqi explained.

"Then who sent you that rose?"

"My friend's child."

"Children? How can children send roses, or do they have different types every day."

Ye Jiaqi smiled and said, "Kids nowadays are smart."

She thought of Xiao Fanfan again, Xiao Fanfan is the very smart one!

Someone pushed Ye Jiaqi and winked: "Jiaqi, you have to be careful, don't let your friend secretly love you and send flowers in the name of a child on purpose."


Mr. Ye has never even seen her face.

This is of course impossible.

She shook her head immediately: "No."

"Jiaqi, if you send have to be careful. If your friend is married, you have to be even more careful." Someone said treacherously.

Everyone understood instantly and nodded.

If a married man sends roses to a woman, it is obviously for one purpose——

Miss this woman!
Ye Jiaqi knew that the rose was only given by Xiao Fanfan, so she smiled and didn't think much about it.

The world of children is very pure.

It's just that she really misses the little guy.

Everyone chatted for a while, and then dispersed.

Ye Jiaqi sorted out the press release in hand, absent-minded.

My heart was beating hard, and I always felt that something was wrong.

Eyes looking at the computer, but kept wandering.

"Jiaqi, Jiaqi!" Xiaoxue called out to her, and waved her hand in front of her eyes.

"Ah?" Ye Jiaqi came back to his senses.

"Jiaqi, why are you in a daze?"

"Maybe I suffered from insomnia last night and didn't sleep well."

Xiaoxue joked and said, "Did you see some attractive handsome guy on Saturday night? I heard people say that there are often all kinds of handsome guys and celebrities on the Shengshi cruise ship. Is it true?"

"it is true."

"Wow!" Xiaoxue's eyes lit up, "I really want to go too, Jiaqi, do you have any private photos, show me some?"

"No, I'm a serious reporter."

"Haha." Xiaoxue laughed loudly, "Then tell me, have you ever seen a particularly handsome one? It's the kind that makes people's eyes shine!"


Does that person count?

At the reception where there were many men, that man really stood out from the crowd, handsome, young and handsome, with a tall and straight figure.

Moreover, he is very good at chatting up girls.

In that way, it should be the type that many women like.

"There are still a lot of handsome guys, but most of them are ugly." Ye Jiaqi said, "Besides, they have a scary temper."

Xiaoxue's interest was instantly wiped out.

While they were chatting, someone in the office suddenly shouted.

 (Thanks to "Yuya", "Don't cry, make trouble, show off", "Witch", "Nannan", "ya", "Miss really beautiful.", "Far away" and so on for the rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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