Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 181 What happened to Xiao Fanfan?

Chapter 181 What happened to Xiao Fanfan?
"I, I'm in the bathroom."

"Master Qiao is waiting for you in the car." Meng Chen's tone was solemn and cold, with a strong hint of pressure.

"I..." Ye Jiaqi tried desperately to make an excuse.

What excuse is good?Have loose bowels?Auntie?
In the end, without waiting for her to think of an excuse, Meng Chen said: "Miss, the young master is sick."


Ye Jiaqi couldn't sit still, and almost dropped his phone on the ground.

Meng Chen was quite a decent person, he wouldn't joke about such things.

"I'm going down now, I'm going now, tell Master Qiao to wait for me for a while." Ye Jiaqi rushed out.

The grievances between her and Josnian could be put aside for now, but Xiao Fanfan was ill, so she would not stand idly by.

She didn't even ask for leave, she just ran outside.

Meng Chen was already waiting for her.

Josnian didn't intend to let Ye Jiaqi know about this.

However, Qiao Chengfan fell ill and kept yelling "Qi Qi".

Weeping and shouting at the same time, shouting until his voice became hoarse.

Josnian couldn't, there was nothing he could do.

used to.

Qiao Chengfan used to get sick even in London, but he obediently took medicine and injections every time.

Now that he was in the capital, Ye Jiaqi didn't come, he wouldn't even take the medicine!
Ye Jiaqi almost ran down as fast as she could. She opened the car door and sat in it.

Josnian glanced at her. Wouldn't it be better if she was so proactive every time?

"What happened to Xiao Safan? What did you do to him?"

When Ye Jiaqi saw Josnian, he couldn't help but question him!

Josnian's face didn't seem very good-looking, gloomy, and unwilling to speak.

Ye Jiaqi moved towards him and shook his arm.

"Master Qiao, what's wrong with Xiao Fanfan? Is it serious? Tell me..."


"Is it serious?"

Ye Jiaqi felt as if his heart had been cut with a knife——

This feeling came suddenly, unprepared.

Never felt like this before.

She was so anxious that she was about to cry, her eyes were red.

Although Xiao Safan is not her child, she feels as if her own child has a fever.

"38.9 degrees."

"It's so hot!!!"

Ye Jiaqi was so anxious that she kept shaking Josnian's arm.

"What's wrong with him? Mr. Ye left Xiao Safan in your care, so you take him like this? Have you hired a doctor for him? Josnian, do you know how to take care of others?"

Ye Jiaqi kept questioning Josnian, each sentence getting louder.

The tone is full of anxiety, tension, and anxiety.

Josnian, bastard!
He forbids her to touch Xiao Fanfan, what about himself?

Is this how he takes care of Xiao Safan?
"Josnian, if you don't know how to take care of people, give me Little Sail. He's not your child, so you treat him like this? Josnian, are you still a human? No child will be spared!"

"Josnian, if you have any grievances, just vent them to me. Why do you treat Xiao Fanfan like this?"

Seeing that Josnian didn't speak, Ye Jiaqi became even more impatient.

Meng Chen's heart beat faster as he was driving.

Looking at the entire capital, only Ye Jiaqi dared to call Master Qiao's name like that!

Josnian's face was ugly.

With a flick of his hand, he grabbed Ye Jiaqi's wrist and pulled her into his arms!

His eyes were gloomy and his whole body was cold.

"Ye Jiaqi, what right do you have to accuse me? Huh?"

"Josnian, let go." Ye Jiaqi tugged at his wrist, his face displeased, "I'm just discussing the matter. You can't take care of Xiao Fanfan, why don't you let me approach him?"

(End of this chapter)

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