Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 182 He Calls Her Mom!

Chapter 182 He Calls Her Mom!
Ye Jiaqi was held in Josnian's arms, unable to move.

He raised his head and looked directly into Josnian's eyes.

However, she didn't give in, and he didn't give in at all!
The four eyes are facing each other, and the swords are tense.

The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder, which is ready to ignite.

Ye Jiaqi saw that Josnian's eyes were bloodshot and his face was haggard.

After a long time, he slowly let go of her hand without any argument.

Ye Jiaqi had already prepared everything he was going to say——

She was a little unaccustomed to him not opening his mouth.

In fact, speaking of it, he has never argued with her much.

Even in the past, he gave way to her most of the time.

No matter what she said, he didn't have much objection.

The car was quiet for a long time before Ye Jiaqi said lightly, "Did Xiao Fanfan get an injection? Did he take any medicine?"

She has never raised a child, so she doesn't know much about it.

But she felt uncomfortable.

"Refused to take medicine."



"Why?" she asked again.

Josnian remained silent, rubbing the center of his brows with a gloomy expression.

Meng Chen heard it, and replied, "Young Master insists on seeing you."

Ye Jiaqi's eyelashes drooped, so she said, Josnian is a man of his word, how could he bow his head so easily.

It turned out that it was Xiao Safan who wanted to see her.

Along the way, Ye Jiaqi didn't pay any attention to Josnian.

When they arrived at Qiao's residence, Ye Jiaqi was in a hurry and panicked.

Butler Sun and Butler Tang opened the car door and stood aside.

This was the second time Ye Jiaqi came back three years later.

Butler Sun didn't recognize Ye Jiaqi, he only heard that the young master liked her very much.

"Where is Little Sail? Where is Little Sail?"

Ye Jiaqi turned around and asked Josnian.

Josnian strode towards Qiao's house, entered the living room, and went up the stairs.

Ye Jiaqi couldn't walk as fast as he did, so he trotted along.

Steward Sun was about to follow, but Meng Chen stretched out his arm and stopped everyone.

Ye Jiaqi stomped on the stairs, and she couldn't hide her anxiety at all.

It felt like my own child was sick.

Heartbroken and uncomfortable.

On the third floor, Josnian stopped.

Ye Jiaqi was taken aback. Isn't this the room she vacated?
Xiao Safan sleeps here?
That's right, her room is well lit and spacious, so it's nice to sleep here.

The door was ajar.

Just as Josnian was about to open the door, Fantuan ran out.


It circled around Josnian's feet, but it was in a hurry.

"Go down."

Hearing the master's order, Alaska squatted on the ground, but still refused to go down.

Josnian left it alone and brought Ye Jiaqi into the room.

"Little Sail!"

Ye Jiaqi ran over.

Xiao Fanfan was lying on the bed, her face was flushed, her mouth was pale, and she was weak.

The little guy with a fever is no longer the frisky Little Sail.

Ye Jiaqi sat on the bed distressedly, bent down, and touched his face.

"Xiao Fanfan, be good, Qi Qi is here."

Qiao Chengfan heard Ye Jiaqi's voice in a daze. He barely opened his eyes and shouted hoarsely.


At this sound, both Ye Jiaqi and Josnian were stunned.

Especially Ye Jiaqi, his mind went blank for an instant!
dreaming?Is she dreaming?

In the dream, there was once a child who called her "Mom" like this——

But after waking up from the dream, the child was gone and nothing was left.

The blood flow accelerated in an instant, she held her breath, and a strange feeling appeared in her throat.

Mom, he called her mom...

(End of this chapter)

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