Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 183 Dad is a big devil

Chapter 183 Dad is a big devil

Ye Jiaqi's hand stroking Qiao Chengfan trembled a little, with complicated emotions in his heart.

There was shock, there was excitement, and there was joy.

The heart is like a stone thrown down, ripples are everywhere, and the waves are splashing!
It is like layers of waves, the waves are rough and cannot be calmed down!
For the past three years, she has dreamed of having a child who calls herself "Mom".

I imagined the appearance of the "little bastard" countless times, but in the end, the child was not able to be born safely.

Xiao Fanfan's call aroused countless memories in her.

Tears rolled in the eyes.

She lowered her head and kissed the little guy on the forehead.

It was very hot, and my forehead was very hot.

Xiao Safan opened his eyes in a daze——

As soon as he smelled Ye Jiaqi's scent, he stretched out his little hand from under the blanket and hugged Ye Jiaqi's neck tightly!
"Seven seven..."

"Xiao Safan, it's me, I'm here."

Ye Jiaqi smiled and hugged him, secretly wiping away his tears.

"I thought I would never see you again. Dad is a big devil." Qiao Chengfan began to complain.

Josnian frowned.

"What? Dad?" Ye Jiaqi was surprised.

Qiao Chengfan patted his head, really confused.

"Wrong, it's Uncle Qiao... Woohoo, the baby is confused..." Qiao Chengfan immediately changed his words.

Ye Jiaqi smiled and didn't take it to heart.

After all, the little guy called her "Mom" just now, so he must be sick and confused.

"Why don't you take your medicine?"

Ye Jiaqi scowled, serious.

"Uncle Joe won't let me see you, but I want to see you again." The little guy rubbed his eyes, feeling aggrieved.

"Isn't it uncomfortable to have a fever?"

Ye Jiaqi hugged him into his arms and stroked his little head.

"Uncomfortable." The little guy pouted.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you should take medicine. Qiqi will also feel uncomfortable when you are sick." Ye Jiaqi said distressedly.

"But it's even more uncomfortable not to see Qiqi."

"Didn't Qiqi come? Be good, Qiqi feed you medicine, okay?"

"it is good……"

Qiao Chengfan listened to Ye Jiaqi obediently, like a docile kitten.

Josnian stepped forward, poured some hot water into the water cup, and then handed the cup and medicine to Ye Jiaqi.

At this time, the little guy looked satisfied and very happy, and kept shaking his little hands.

Josnian gave him a blank look.

It's like a different person from the morning!

After having a fever in the morning, I refused to take medicine, refused to get an injection, and even dropped the thermometer!
I really don't know where his temper came from!
He is so used to this little thing!
In London, he was always very obedient, but after getting to know Ye Jiaqi, he seemed to be bewitched.

"Master Qiao, have you asked for leave for Xiao Fanfan?"

Ye Jiaqi fed the little guy medicine.


"Xiao Fanfan, is the medicine bitter? If it is bitter, Qiqi will give you candy."


The little guy looked sad and his brows were wrinkled.

"Master Qiao, can I have some candy, please?" Ye Jiaqi turned his head.

Josnian had no choice but to turn around and walk to the table, opened the drawer, and took out a can of toffee.

He took two.

Peeling off the toffee wrapper, he reached out and put one into Qiao Chengfan's mouth.

Another one, stuffed into Ye Jiaqi's mouth!

"Hmm!" Before Ye Jiaqi could react, a sweet toffee was stuffed into his mouth.

She had no choice but to stare at him.

She is not a child.

What's more, when she was young, Josnian didn't allow her to eat candy.

Scare her every day that eating sugar will cause tooth decay, and no one will want tooth decay.

Also, tooth extraction is very painful.

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(End of this chapter)

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