Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 184 You can also use Uncle Qiao's

Chapter 184 You can also use Uncle Qiao's

At that time, Josnian was very serious, and he liked to keep a straight face every time he spoke.

She was young and easily intimidated.

At that time, although I was greedy and wanted to eat, I still restrained myself.

Because she is afraid of pain, and also afraid that no one will want her.

"Candy is delicious." Qiao Chengfan was happy.

He was lying on Ye Jiaqi's shoulder, playing with Ye Jiaqi's hair with his small hands.

"Candy is delicious, but you can't eat too much, it will cause tooth decay, and no one will want tooth decay." Ye Jiaqi blurted out.

After hearing this, Josnian raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"Will Qiqi want me?"

Qiao Chengfan looked at Ye Jiaqi eagerly. Although he was ill, his big eyes were still shining.

"Qiqi only needs an obedient little Sail who doesn't have tooth decay."

Ye Jiaqi pinched his nose and couldn't help but hug him tightly again.

It might be that Ye Jiaqi's embrace was too warm, or it might be because of the medicine, the little guy felt sleepy and yawned.

"The baby will be obedient."

"Be obedient, why don't you take medicine today?"

"After taking the medicine, Qiqi will stop coming."

As he said that, Qiao Chengfan gave Josnian an aggrieved and scared look.

Josnian leaned against the wall, folded his arms, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at them.

Ye Jiaqi followed the little guy's gaze and also took a look at Josnian.

"Don't do this next time, even if Qiqi doesn't come, you still have to take care of yourself, you know?"

"Qiqi, will there be a day when you don't want me anymore?"

Ye Jiaqi was taken aback.

After a while, she shook her head: "No."

"That's good." Qiao Chengfan was happy, and his little feet moved back and forth in Ye Jiaqi's arms.

"bad guy."

Ye Jiaqi was tickled very much by him, so he giggled and scratched him too.

Qiao Chengfan immediately ran to bed, covered himself with the quilt, and covered himself in the quilt.

"Xiao Safan is going to sleep? Then Qi Qi left?"

"No." Qiao Chengfan slightly lifted the quilt, revealing two big eyes, "Come with me for lunch, dinner, and sleep."

"Qiqi has to go to work, so that I can buy you good things."

"Uncle Joe is rich."

"That's different. Qiqi's is Qiqi's, and your Uncle Qiao's is Uncle Qiao's."

Josnian frowned slightly, but she knew the difference.

"You can also use Uncle Joe's." The little guy blinked his big eyes and looked at Josnian again, "Really? Uncle Joe!"


Qiao Chengfan curled his lips, Old Qiao was arrogant.

Although he hated the old Qiao like this, there was no way. Old Qiao was his father, and he had no choice.

You say you hate it, but you still have to protect it when it's time to protect it.

It's really worrying.

Ye Jiaqi hurriedly said, "Go to sleep, and go to school when the fever subsides."

This little guy talks a lot!

So much talk when you have a fever!

It's a bit like when she was a child.

She didn't understand anything when she was a child, and she kept pestering Josnian with questions.

Josnian didn't bother to talk to her, so she just kept talking.

Sometimes it was muttering questions, and sometimes it was saying bad things about Josnian!
Nasty Ghost, Great Demon King, Ice Cube... are all nicknames given by her.

Sometimes he accidentally muttered and was heard by him, and he immediately lowered his face and said in a deep voice, "What are you talking about?"

At that time, she ran as fast as a cat!

Anyway, she was like this when she was a child, never stopping for a moment.

Compared with her, Xiao Fanfan is quite obedient.

"But I woke up, and you ran away." The little guy shook his head.

"I... won't run away." Ye Jiaqi coaxed, "But Qiqi also wants to go home."

(End of this chapter)

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