Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 189 Her Prince Charming

Chapter 189 Her Prince Charming
He wanted to tell her that she could ask him for anything, as long as he had it.

Later, Ye Jiaqi gradually became more courageous.

But even so, all she wanted from him was some snacks and stationery...

That bracelet was the most precious thing she wanted.

However, she had already returned it to him.

A few days ago, he forced it on her again, but he had never seen her wear it.

As for the candy box, he thought she would have thrown it away after eating the candy, but he didn't expect...

Seeing it again, the distant memories of 15 years ago suddenly surged.

The box is rusty, but that doesn't hide its beauty.

He remembered that she once held the candy box and said excitedly to him: "The picture on it is Snow White, and Snow White is waiting for her Prince Charming."

"Dad! Dad!" Qiao Chengfan yelled several times.

What is old Joe thinking?
Could it be that this box...has a secret?

"Yeah." Josnian put away his memories.

"Dad, open it for me. There is something inside! Tell me, is it a fairy?"

Looking at his son's innocent face, Josnian smiled.

"There are no gods."

"What's that?"

"Nothing at all."

With that said, Josnian took the box for himself.

"Dad, you can't do this! This is the box I found! You can't take it away!" Qiao Chengfan was anxious.

"It was found in my house, why isn't it mine?"

"..." Qiao Chengfan couldn't refute for a while.

Josnian shook the box lightly, and there was a slight sound inside.

He frowned, what's inside?
Unfinished candy?

"Big villain." Qiao Chengfan pouted, "You're not shy when you take the baby's things."

"You are all mine, why should I be shy? Hmm?"

"..." Qiao Chengfan was at a loss for words.

Really shameless.

But, but, he really wanted to know what was inside.

There was no other way, so Qiao Chengfan had no choice but to tug on La Josnian's sleeve in a fawning manner.

"Dad, Dad, let me take a look at what's inside? OK..."

Qiao Chengfan's face was full of curiosity and expectation.

Josnian couldn't bear to refuse.

He put the box on the table and opened it forcefully.

With a "bang", a pile of notes of various colors came into view.

Colorful and very beautiful.

"Huh." Qiao Chengfan was surprised, holding his chin, "What is this?"

There are paper strips of various colors, some are short and some are long, and some are folded into the shape of stars.

Qiao Chengfan didn't know too many words, so he was helpless.

Could it be that, like him, all he wrote were small wishes?
Who wrote this note?

Old Joe?

Impossible, old Joe is not such a person.

Josnian took one casually, opened it——

"I'm not in the mood for class, homework, and spring outing. Only when I see him can I feel better. ××year×month×day."

Josnian's heart skipped a beat, his fingertips trembling slightly.

"Butler Tang said that he has a sweetheart and is sad. ××year×month×day."

"This year's birthday, he still hasn't given me a gift. ××year×month×day."

"He went to London to meet his girlfriend again, don't miss him. ××year×month×day."

"It's cold and dark at night. If one day he doesn't want me anymore, where should I go. ××year×month×day."

"Father!" Qiao Chengfan yelled again, "What's written on it? Why don't you read it to me?"

Josnian came back to his senses, put away the note, and closed the box again.

"Father, you can't do this!" Qiao Chengfan protested.

(End of this chapter)

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