Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 190 I don't like you anymore

Chapter 190 I don't like you anymore

"Didn't you say good things should be shared?" Qiao Chengfan was displeased.

He was the first to discover the box, but Old Joe took it for himself.

unwilling!Very unhappy!
The little guy's face was full of unhappiness, and his mouth was so pouted that he could hang a bottle of oil.

Old Joe is playing a rascal!

Josnian raised his eyebrows: "Want me to read it to you?"

"Yes, read it!" Qiao Chengfan raised his face stubbornly.

"Study hard and make progress every day." "Books are the ladder of progress." "Who knows that every piece of Chinese food is hard work."

Qiao Chengfan had a headache and shook his head: "Stop listening!"

Josnian pursed his lips: "Stop listening?"

"If you don't listen, don't listen." Qiao Chengfan covered his ears.

"Play by yourself and have dinner later." Josnian wanted to take the box back to his room.

"Did Qiqi come here after dinner?" The little guy looked expectant.


Josnian put on his clothes and shoes for him, and led him downstairs.

"Sun Butler, take Chengfan to the garden for a walk."

"Yes, Joe."

Butler Sun led Qiao Chengfan out, and Josnian returned to the study.

Opening the box again, his heart also instantly rose and fell, like ocean waves, non-stop.

Obviously, what was written in the note were the girl's little thoughts, little secrets, and little things.

Colorful paper strips filled the entire candy box.

Some of the writing was blurred, and some of the notes had turned yellow, but the box was filled with the sweetness of candy.

There is a date written on each note, and the sentences on each note are not long, more like recording small bits and pieces casually.

Josnian took apart the folded notes and arranged them in chronological order.

For the first ones, the fonts are childish, but every stroke is very serious.

"Everything is strange here, but it is warmer than the original home. ××year×month×day."

"I don't like talking to other people, except him. ××year×month×day."

"They said I was his little pet, and I would throw it away after playing with it enough. I'm not a pet, not a pet, not... ××year×month×day.”

Josnian did the math, these were all written when she was eight or nine years old.

Why did she never tell him?
Why did he ever treat her as a pet?
These gossipers.

"They said that my life is good, is it true? I think it is best to meet him. ××year×month×day."

"Someone asked me to hand him a love letter. Hmph, I threw it away. He won't find out, right? ××year×month×day."

"I found out that he looks so pretty when he smiles! ××year×month×day."


Josnian turned the pages, and the girl's little thoughts were fully revealed in front of him.

His name didn't appear on any of the notes, but...he knew it was him.

Looking at it, emotions surged in his heart.

The last one was written by her that year——

"So sad, so sad, uncomfortable, I don't like you anymore, hum. ××year×month×day."

Her face appeared in front of his eyes, full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy, lifelike.

The last piece of paper was tightly clutched in his hand.

The date was that day, he remembered.

She ran over to him happily and asked, "Master Qiao, what do you think of me? Will you marry me?"

Thinking that she was being dishonest again, he immediately replied, "It's not that good."

Josnian rested his fist on his forehead and put the note in his palm.

The candy box lay quietly on the table, the Snow White on the lid was already blurred, but those eyes were still burning brightly, as if full of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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