Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 201 Drink too much, just want to hehe

Chapter 201 Drink too much, just want to hehe
Ye Jiaqi thought that a cynical person like Huo Jingyi would not be serious when talking about cooperation.

Unexpectedly, she looked away again.

When it comes to work, Huo Jingyi puts away his smile and doesn't allow any mistakes or mistakes.

This cooperation has been talked about at noon.

Ye Jiaqi was relatively good at it, but he learned a lot from following Huo Jingyi.

Because of his attitude towards work, she didn't bother with him about drinking.

The two of them talked until noon.

"Miss Ye, I'll treat you to dinner at noon." Huo Jingyi closed the document.

"No, I have to go back and report the results to my boss." Ye Jiaqi began to pack his things.

After drinking a large glass of wine, her head was still dizzy, and her cheeks were still hot.

Huo Jingyi blocked her way: "In my place, you have to listen to me, understand?"


Ye Jiaqi was helpless.

"Can I not understand?"

"Okay, as Mrs. Huo, you don't have to understand." Huo Jingyi curled up his lips, and there was an uncertain light in his eyes.

"Hey, Mr. Huo is still single?" Ye Jiaqi asked knowingly.

"The position of Mrs. Huo is reserved. I think Miss Ye is quite suitable."

Ye Jiaqi knew as soon as he heard it, Huo Jingyi was a veteran in love!

"Mr. Huo, it's a pity that I'm married." Ye Jiaqi smiled, "Otherwise, I would rather be Mrs. Huo, after all... I love money."


Huo Jingyi did not expect this answer.

She just graduated from college and got married?

"Yeah, my husband is poor and life is hard, but luckily my son is cuter."

"You'd better not lie to me." Huo Jingyi smiled.

He doesn't have the habit of investigating others, he tease himself.

"Mr. Huo, will you still keep me for dinner? If you don't believe me, I can call my son. "

"There are no corners that cannot be pried, only men who don't work hard." Huo Jingyi said calmly, eyebrows raised slightly.

Ye Jiaqi knew that a man like Huo Jingyi must be the kind of person who couldn't get what he wanted.

The more he resisted, the more excited he was!

This kind of man is a pervert!
Even if he is married and has a wife and children, he will still be perverted!
Yes, just like someone.

Just as Ye Jiaqi was about to speak, Huo Jingyi's cell phone rang.

He glanced down and answered, "Dad."

"Go back."

"..." Huo Jingyi held his forehead, turned around and walked out of the reception room.

Ye Jiaqi stood on tiptoe to look, and finally left.

She quickly packed her things, rolled up the contract, took her bag and ran away.

However, the spirit of alcohol has not subsided.As soon as she came out, the white sunlight shone on her face, making her dizzy.

She rubbed her temples and dared not drive, so she could only take a taxi back to the company.

As soon as she got in the car, she took out the small mirror——

It turned out that her cheeks were flushed and there were beads of sweat on the tip of her nose.

The drink had a strong aftertaste, and she was very drunk.

This time she was drunk, she couldn't hold back, and vomited on her private Weibo in a daze: The old Romanee-Conti, the alcohol is really strong.When I drank too much, I thought hey hey.

At the end, she added an "evil" emoji.

Her Weibo account is "Xiaochengzi."

No one knows her number, and she can vent her unhappiness as she pleases.

However, she often forgets the password.

As a result, she actually seldom complained on Weibo.

After drinking alcohol today, my memory suddenly improved, and I still remember the password! ! !

 (Remember to vote for Luo Yi for recommendation, five-star praise, and leave a message. Recommendation tickets are available every day, and you can vote every day~)


(End of this chapter)

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