Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 202 Is This Your Son?

Chapter 202 Is This Your Son?

Ye Jiaqi leaned against the window and smiled silly at the phone.

Her cheeks were getting hotter and hotter, so she simply opened the window.

As the autumn wind blew in, she tilted her head and flicked her phone casually.

Not long after, someone suddenly commented on her Weibo: "This wine is expensive."

Ye Jiaqi laughed dryly, tapped on the keyboard, and then replied, "I don't understand, I'll drink it as water."

"Drinking wine like water, is it broken love?"

"Who stipulated that you can only drink when you're broken in love?"

Ye Jiaqi laughed, this guy is so funny, he only drinks when he's broken in love?

She flipped through the Weibo of this person nicknamed "SJC", and there were only some scattered photos and a few words on it.

The man immediately returned to her: "Girls drink less."

Ye Jiaqi smiled in a daze, this man is really nosy.Are you free?

It was as long-winded as Josnian's beast.

No, why did she think of Josnian again?

Rubbing her temples, she opened the window a little more.

Ye Jiaqi was not coming back, and she didn't have much affection for meddling strangers.

And on Weibo, there are always more strangers who like to meddle in their own business.

She was so dizzy that she asked sister Pei to ask for leave.

"Sister Pei, the cooperation is almost done. The other party will let someone talk to our company about the details."

"Thank you, Jiaqi."

"It's okay, I just drank some wine, sister Pei...can I ask for half a day off?"

"Okay, okay, did they make things difficult for you?"

"Not this one."

Ye Jiaqi thought of Huo Jingyi who had been splashed with a bottle of red wine by her.

Of course, she didn't get any cheap. She drank that big glass of wine so much that her internal organs were about to boil, and she felt so uncomfortable right now.

"That's good, you don't come in this afternoon, go home and rest."

"Okay, thank you Miss Pei."

Ye Jiaqi hung up the phone and leaned against the car window in a daze.

It was bustling and bustling outside, noisy and noisy.

Sunshine came in through the glass window, she looked outside in a daze, in a trance, she missed her child again...

little bastard……

little bastard……

The softest part of my heart seemed to be touched.

The eye sockets turned red.

She raised her hand and wrote some words on Weibo: Those who have not cried for a long night are not enough to describe life.

She opened the photo album on her mobile phone again, looking at Xiao Fanfan's photo.

The little guy is so cute, she likes it so much...

A small pink face, long eyelashes, and big black eyes.

As soon as she saw his picture, she remembered his voice, and the time he called her "Mom"...

Finding a sneak shot of Xiao Sail's back, she made a picture of the little guy's back.

"Small Sail..." She murmured softly, holding her chin and smiling.

"Girl, is this your son? It's so cute." The driver smiled when he saw the photo.

Ye Jiaqi's eyes were a little confused, but he still nodded in deception: "Yes, my son."

"Such a good-looking child can be a child star."

"Hey." Ye Jiaqi smiled.

Their Xiaofanfan is of course pretty.

"How old?"

"More than three years old."

"He's quite tall, fair and tender, with big eyes and double eyelids, just like you, girl. I guess the little guy's father is also very handsome, right?"

Ye Jiaqi's heart felt like it had been stabbed, and it hurt.

The little guy... was thrown away by his biological parents.

Very poor……

How can a child who is loved by everyone have such cruel parents?

 (Guess who this "SJC" is and what it means hahahaha...)
(End of this chapter)

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