Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 206 Take yourself too seriously

Chapter 206 Taking Yourself Too Seriously

Chuhe didn't stay here for too long with Ye Jiaqi, he went home soon.

Ye Jiaqi also knew that it was inappropriate for a lonely man and a widow to be together, so he sent him out.

As soon as Chuhe left, Ye Jiaqi couldn't help but patted his chest, still in shock.

If it weren't for the senior, all her money would be gone.

It's all hard earned!
Maybe it's gone.

After drinking a few sips of cold water to calm down his shock, Ye Jiaqi began to think about how to talk to Josnian and bring Xiao Fanfan out to play.

It just so happened that this month's condom hasn't been given to him yet.

Ye Jiaqi thought for a while, and took the initiative to call Josnian.

"Master Joe."

"what's up."

Josnian was in a meeting, and walked out when he received the call, leaving the people in the next meeting room behind.

"Are you home tonight?"


"I'll give you... that."


"You need it tonight."

Josnian understood, but his face was not very good-looking, and an unknown light flashed in his eyes.

"You want to use it with me?"

"I'm just in charge of delivery."

"Okay, I'll be home at seven o'clock in the evening."

"Okay." Ye Jiaqi didn't say another word, and hung up the phone.

Josnian was very upset when the phone was hung up.

The only one who dared to take the initiative to hang up his phone was Ye Jiaqi except for Qiao Chengfan.

One big and one small, promising.

In the evening, Ye Jiaqi went to Qiao residence after dinner.

The Qiao residence in autumn night is very attractive, with sparkling lake water, autumn grass and white dew.

A thin and thin moon hangs in mid-air, the moonlight is clear and light, and the clouds are hazy.

Butler Tang opened the door.

"Miss Ye." Steward Tang was as usual, unsmiling, and glanced at Ye Jiaqi with his cloudy eyes.

"Hello Tang Butler." Ye Jiaqi bent down.

Ye Jiaqi had always been a little afraid of Tang Butler.

Maybe, she was too serious, always has been.

"Who is Miss Ye looking for?" Tang Butler asked.

"I...I'm looking for Master Qiao."

Ye Jiaqi was holding a small box, which was a bit heavy.

"Master Qiao hasn't come back yet," Tang Butler responded lightly.

For some reason, Ye Jiaqi felt that Tang Butler was not very enthusiastic about her, and even never let her in.

Ye Jiaqi could only smile sarcastically: "Okay, I'll wait for him."

"Miss Ye, if you have anything to say, you don't have to wait. Master Qiao called and said he has an engagement tonight."

"Really?" Ye Jiaqi's face was filled with disappointment.

It was as if a drop of rain fell on the tip of my heart, instantly, it was cool.

Didn't he say he'd be back at seven?

Ha ha... She also took what he said seriously.

When did he put her in his heart, it was just perfunctory.

She took herself too seriously, so she foolishly arrived at Qiao's residence before seven o'clock.

Still holding a box.

She bent down, put the box on the ground, and put away the expression on her face.

She said lightly: "Then trouble Butler Tang to give him the things, he wants it."

"Miss Ye, put it down."

"Thank you." Ye Jiaqi smiled, suppressing the coolness and embarrassment in his heart.

But, she didn't leave immediately, she wanted to see Xiao Safan.

Before Mr. Ye came back, Xiao Fanfan stayed at Qiao's house.

She hesitated, wondering how to speak.

Tang Butler looked at her, still without any expression on his face: "Miss Ye, if there is nothing else, I will ask the driver to take you back."

"I..." Ye Jiaqi knew that Butler Tang had issued an order to evict guests, "Is Xiao Fanfan at home?"

"Young master?" Tang Butler frowned, "Not here."


If Xiao Safan was here, she would definitely come out when she heard her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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