Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 207 Qiao Ye, will you let me go?

Chapter 207 Qiao Ye, will you let me go?
But even so, she craned her neck to look at Qiao Zhai.

Qiao's residence still looked the way it was most familiar to him, with bright lights and servants walking around.

The street lamps in Qiao Zhai are very beautiful, carved into the shape of cherry blossoms, like a dream.

She used to be a little girl, and she especially liked to sit under the street lamp and look up, doing nothing but looking at the lamp.

Come back now, everything is still so beautiful.

"Miss Ye, do you have anything else to convey to Master Qiao?" Tang Butler asked.

Evict order again.

Ye Jiaqi looked away and shook his head slightly: "No more."

Turning around, she left Qiao's house.

Walking step by step, there is a feeling of being abandoned by everyone.

The evening wind lifted her long hair, strands sticking to her face.

It's cold.

She folded her arms.

The lonely night sky, the faint moonlight, the long road.


"Do you still remember / The hot summer of memory / The scattered in the wind has evaporated / The noise has been hoarse..."

"I'm afraid to face myself / My will / Always swallowed by loneliness / Because you always remind / The past is never the past / There is a true love that is not mine."

Ye Jiaqi was humming and dancing while walking.

She used to love doing it like a child.

Anyway, no one will see it at night.

When she jumped, her jet-black hair would fall down like a waterfall, stunning.

There is a very beautiful brooch on her white sweater, under the moonlight, shining like a diamond, dazzling.

In the past, she liked to walk on this road very much.

Of course, she preferred to go with Josnian.

It's just that most of the time, he doesn't pay her much attention.

Only when she was in a hurry and insisted on his company, or even cried tears, would he symbolically coax her and walk a few steps with her.

At that time, I felt that walking a few steps...was also good.

Little girls are easy to please.

Ye Jiaqi laughed. It turned out that she was once a naive and stupid little girl.

How did she have the courage to act like a baby with him back then?Let him accompany you to do things you don't want?

It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

His dislike for her probably has a long history.

She really forced him to do a lot of things she didn't want to do, and the worst thing was to force him to sleep with her.

He hated it, and she regretted it too.

The moonlight fell on her face, and her small oval face became more delicate.

But, full of loneliness and disappointment.


A black Rolls Royce drove past her.

Noble, low-key, restrained.

"Back up!" Josnian yelled as soon as they drove past.

The driver slammed on the brakes.

The car slowly backed up again, and Josnian lowered the window.

"Ye Jiaqi."

Ye Jiaqi was so frightened by the low and cold voice that she jumped back quickly.

As soon as he raised his head, he happened to meet his stern profile.

Is he coming back for entertainment?

"Master Qiao." She said coolly.

"Come up." He turned his head and looked at her.

"Master Qiao, I've sent you what you asked for. I wish you a happy use."

Josnian's thin lips parted slightly, with a cold expression: "Don't make me say it a second time."

"Master Qiao, aren't you forcing people? Hehehe, I don't know how to get in the car, or, Master Qiao, let me get in the car?"

Under the night, his face is really pretty.

So cold, elegant and noble.

No one can resist watching it.

But if they knew that there was something vicious and vicious hidden under this face, no one would dare to get close to it.

She was the one who was deceived by her appearance for 12 years.

 (Thanks to "Yaoya", "Professor SUN", "Mu Lingヾ", "Yungong Damo", "Plain", "Xixi Christ" and so on for the rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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