Chapter 208
Josnian gave her a cold look, his eyes were as cold as water, a little colder than the moonlight.

Ye Jiaqi subconsciously wanted to run.

But a few seconds later, his brows relaxed, and his eyes were a little gentle.

"Do you like being on it?" He curled his lips and looked at her.

Ok? ? ?
Ye Jiaqi's chest tightened and his face blushed, old rascal!
"Master Qiao, can we discuss something?" Ye Jiaqi avoided the topic and did not forget the business.

"To discuss things with me, you must show sincerity."

"Then... give you a [-]% discount on condoms?"


"Then [-]% off?" She was already about to lose money!


"Then what conditions do you want?" Ye Jia looked forward to the sky.

"Did you eat?" He looked at her.

"have eaten."

"Follow me back to Qiao's residence and make me a cup of coffee."

"That's it?" Ye Jiaqi looked at him in disbelief.

"Hmm." Josnian leaned his arms on the car window, looking at her with burning eyes, as if soaked in ink.

There was no wave on the handsome face, it was as calm as water.

Ye Jiaqi finally compromised.

But there was still some distance from Qiao's house, so Josnian got out of the car.

The driver drove the car away, and he and she walked side by side.

In this way, it was easy for Ye Jiaqi to bring back endless memories.

In the past, she liked to walk on the road, walking indecently.

But he doesn't like it.

It is late autumn now, and the maple leaves on the roadside are red, and some of them fall on the ground, like a red carpet.

Ye Jiaqi wrung his hands uneasily, lowered his head, and walked forward.

deliberately stay away from him.

However, the familiar aura of him always breaks into her memory from time to time, causing turbulent waves.

She said coolly, "Master Qiao, can you let Xiao Fanfan stay with me for a day tomorrow?"

"doing what."

"I'll take him to the aquarium to play."

She dare not say that it is with Chuhe.

"Xiao Fanfan is not you, he has to learn piano tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is Saturday!" Ye Jiaqi's eyes widened.

Xiao Safan is only three years old.

Josnian didn't speak, but he sneered at her words. Of course, the future heir of the Qiao family couldn't be like her.

"Just one day? Just one day."

Ye Jiaqi held up a finger, her eyes sparkling with expectation. Under the moonlight, her big eyes were shining brightly.

Josnian lowered his head, glanced at her, stretched out his hand, and pressed her finger down.

The thin lips parted slightly, and the tone was ruthless: "If you bring me, I can consider it."

"..." Ye Jiaqi would definitely not take him with him.

So, he rejected her.

"Didn't you just say that you can negotiate terms? I'll make you a cup of coffee, and you promise me." Ye Jiaqi was very angry.

Josnian turned his head, and his eyes fell on her face with unclear meaning.

"Don't take yourself too seriously."

"Josnian, are you kidding me?"

Ye Jiaqi's face was full of sullenness, is it fun to play with her?
"Want to negotiate terms with me over a cup of coffee?"

"Then what do you say, Xiao Fanfan is not your son, why are you doing this?"

The four eyes meet each other, lightning and flint.

Josnian raised his hand, and with all his strength, pressed her against the tall red maple tree by the roadside.

Lowering his head, he kissed her chattering red lips precisely, and kneaded her delicate and small shoulders with his big hands.

"Hmm..." Ye Jiaqi pushed him angrily.

Josnian held her down and didn't let her move. He held her wrist tightly and pressed down on her legs.

He was breathing heavily, but her breathing was unsteady.

At first, he just bit and chewed on her red lips, and then forced her to open her small mouth to cater to him.

(End of this chapter)

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