Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 210 Uncle Qiao seems to like you

Chapter 210 Uncle Qiao seems to like you
The smoke lingered on the side of his face, and under the moonlight, the lines of his face were tense.

Cold, ruthless, and gloomy.

"If there is any mistake, from now on, you will never see the little guy again." Josnian dropped a sentence.

"will not!"

Ye Jiaqi yelled and hugged Xiao Fanfan tightly.

"Qiqi, Uncle Qiao is actually quite a nice person, really." Qiao Chengfan began to speak for Josnian again.

What can I do, this is his own father.

"Don't follow him. He has a bad temper and a bit of a bad character." Ye Jiaqi touched his little face.

Long time no see, the little guy has grown taller and looks better.

He was wearing a blue sweater today and looked obedient.

"Yes, I have a bad temper." Qiao Chengfan admitted, "Qiqi, why do you say?"


"It's better to be Qiqi." The little guy put his arms around Ye Jiaqi's neck and rubbed his hands.

He really likes the scent on Qiqi's body.

Just like that, Ye Jiaqi brought Qiao Chengfan home.

Along the way, the little guy opened his schoolbag and showed Ye Jiaqi his paintings.

After Josnian returned to Qiao's residence, he called Meng Chen.

"Master Joe."

"Keep an eye on it."

"Yes, I know."

"I don't know good and bad things!" Josnian cursed.

Meng Chen was silent, he naturally knew who Master Qiao was scolding.

Qiao Chengfan went back to Ye Jiaqi's house again.

You Pianran happened to be on a business trip, and Ye Jiaqi and Xiao Fanfan went crazy.

"Qiqi, I like your bed." Qiao Chengfan lay on the small bed, sticking out his buttocks.

"Then you should sleep more."

"However, Qiqi, I like you more."

"Bad guy." Ye Jiaqi pinched his face.

This little guy can really make people happy.

Ye Jiaqi's bad mood was gone, and Xiao Fanfan was really the best gift God gave her.

As soon as she saw him, she would be very happy, and she didn't know why.

"Qiqi, did you quarrel with Uncle Qiao today?" Qiao Chengfan asked.


"Actually, Uncle Joe seems to like you."

"Huh?" Ye Jiaqi smiled, "Impossible, kids, don't talk nonsense, your Uncle Qiao is married."

Josnian was not blind, how could he like her.

In his eyes, she was worthless.

She was a pet he picked up by chance. When she got tired of keeping her, she lost it.

Qiao Chengfan blinked his eyes wide. Old Qiao is married?Who are you married to?Why doesn't he know.

However, if he is not married, how did he come here?

What about his mother?

This question has troubled him for a long, long time.

Ye Jiaqi slept with his arms around the little guy after taking a bath. The little guy's body was soft and comfortable to hold.

"Xiao Fanfan, go to bed early." She coaxed gently.

Qiao Chengfan slipped into Ye Jiaqi's arms and scratched her waist with his small hand.

Ye Jiaqi chuckled: "Bad guy."

Qiao Chengfan fell asleep after arguing with Ye Jiaqi for a while.

He doesn't recognize beds at all, he only recognizes people.

Ye Jiaqi hugged him, and he slept soundly.

However, Ye Jiaqi couldn't sleep much.

Today, I quarreled with Josnian again.

In fact, if it wasn't for Xiao Safan, how could she still have contact with him.

She touched her lips, and it seemed that Josnian's breath was still lingering on it, a faint scent of aloes and a mixture of tobacco.

She couldn't sleep, so she opened Weibo and silently posted a status.

"This world is full of malice, but fortunately there is you."

She attached another photo: her hand holding Xiao Fanfan's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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