Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 211 Women are easy to coax

Chapter 211 Women are easy to coax

Not long after, I received a comment from SJC.

Ye Jiaqi laughed. This NPC doesn't sleep at night?Moreover, like to comment on her so much?
Click to open.

SJC: Yes, full of ignorant people.

small oranges. : Young man, don't be so angry.

SJC: Did you argue with your husband?
small oranges. : I just encountered a neuropathy.

SJC: ...

small oranges. :The same to you?
SJC: No.

small oranges. : So are you arguing with your wife?Then you don't coax, what Weibo in the middle of the night.

SJC: ...

Ok? ? ?
What does "..." mean?She doesn't quite understand!She only regarded him as acquiescing, and typed a few more lines.

small oranges. : Really, go and coax, women are easy to coax.

SJC: No.

Ye Jiaqi fainted. It seemed that she was right.

small oranges. : None of this? ? ?Then how did you chase your wife down?

SJC: She chased me.

small oranges. : Then why are you arguing?
This time, SJC did not reply in seconds.

After a long while, he quietly replied two words.

SJC: She's stupid.

Ye Jiaqi looked up at the sky again!Angrily typing on the keyboard of the phone.

small oranges. : How can you say that your wife is stupid?No wonder I quarrel with you! ! !A man like you is born alone! ! !
SJC: ...

small oranges. :real! !You don't find the reason from yourself, saying that your wife is stupid?I think you are the stupidest! !
SJC: ...

small oranges. : Don't go back!A man like you makes people angry just looking at it! !

Why are men these days so bad?
Sure enough, the other party did not speak for a long time.

Ye Jiaqi became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, so he went to his weibo again.

In the end, there was still nothing, not even a picture of showing affection.

It seems that he doesn't like his wife that much.

Those who take the initiative to chase are not so cherished.

She thought, women must not take the initiative to chase men, otherwise, they will regret it.

Just like herself.

After a while, the Weibo news flashed.

SJC: You're right.

small oranges. :? ?certainly!

SJC: You are very smart.

Ye Jiaqi was a little flustered.

small oranges. :thank you.

SJC: How should women be coaxed?
small oranges. : What women think is very simple, you can say a few sweet words to her, or take her to watch movies or travel, it's all good.As long as you are willing to pay attention.

SJC: Hmm.

small oranges. : Also, girls like romance.

SJC: Can you do me a favor?
small oranges. :what?
SJC: Martina counter in Beijing, help me choose a ring.

small oranges. :ring?You should pick it yourself.

SJC: I read your Weibo and found that your preferences are very similar to my wife’s, so I asked you to help me pick one out, and I’ll pick it up when I’m done.

Ye Jiaqi felt that this man was quite sincere, maybe because he really wanted to reconcile with his wife.

small oranges. : Well, I have time to show you.

SJC: Hmm.

small oranges. : By the way, why do you often comment on me?do we know each other?
SJC: Free.

small oranges. :...

SJC: Go to bed early, good night.

Ye Jiaqi politely returned a "smile" expression.

What a boring psycho.

Aquarium on Saturday.

Lots of people, lots of kids.

Chuhe drove them here to play.

Along the way, Qiao Chengfan was not very happy, and kept asking Ye Jiaqi, "Qiqi, who is this uncle?"

"It's Qiqi's friend."


"Uh... No, Qi Qi belongs to Xiao Fanfan." Ye Jiaqi coaxed.

Qiao Chengfan was still unhappy, his mouth was pouted.

 (Recommend Luo Yi's two finished articles: "Boss is Too Arrogant: Husband, Get Married" and "Trying Love for 99 Days: Chief Fiancee", the author's pen name is "Luo Yi Duixue". Dear friends who can't wait for the serialized articles, you can start Take a look at the end of Wenha, produced by Luo Yi, quality assurance.)

(End of this chapter)

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