Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 213 He is not Josinian's son

Chapter 213 He is not Josinian's son

"Chuhe, don't push yourself too hard! If this is discovered, you won't be able to afford it!"

"Give me the money, and I'll leave the capital right now!"

"How much do you want?"

"At least 800 million." Chuhe raised his finger.

"Are you crazy?"

"Don't say such things in front of me. If you dare to blackmail Josnian, you may get more than 5000 million."

"800 million is fine, but you must stay together. If we don't have the money, you can't leave either!"

Chu He narrowed his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he took a puff of cigarette: "Okay."

"Are you sure it's Josnian's son in the car?"

"I've been following for a long time."

"Why is there an extra woman?"

"That's Josnian's woman. If you tie them together, you can sell them for a good price!" Chu He said, "So, 800 million is really not much."

The men seemed satisfied and touched their chins.

Ye Jiaqi slammed on the window hard, his face panicked!

Chu River!

He betrayed her? !
No, he is her senior!Take such good care of her in college!
How could he betray her? !how come!
He sold her out for money?
Impossible, impossible, she has to ask him in person.

"Chu River! Chu River!" Ye Jiaqi slapped the window and shouted.

Chuhe heard the voice and winked at the group of men.

Qiao Chengfan woke up in Ye Jiaqi's arms, and he hugged Ye Jiaqi tightly in fear: "Qiqi, what's wrong..."

"It's okay. Go on sleeping, dear." Ye Jiaqi put his arms around him.

Several men rushed over and opened the car door.

Several people were wearing black hoods, only a pair of fierce eyes were exposed.

"He is Josnian's woman." Chu He leaned against the car door with an indifferent expression.

"Chuhe, what do you mean?" Ye Jiaqi said coldly, "You betrayed me?"

"I'm sorry, Jiaqi, I need money." Chu He took a puff of cigarette and said lightly.

"Senior, I trust you so much, you betrayed me?" Ye Jiaqi couldn't believe it.

Really, she didn't believe it.

I can't believe it at all.

"You trust people too easily, no, you lack love too much."

Chuhe has already figured out Ye Jiaqi's weakness. She looks fearless, but in fact, she has low self-esteem in her bones.

Whoever treats her better, she will pour out her heart and soul.

"What's the benefit of kidnapping me? I'm not Josnian's woman. You arrested the wrong person." Ye Jiaqi said.

"You were admitted by Josnian himself. Can you be wrong? Besides, you don't know about the kid next to you, do you? He is Josnian's son." Chu He sneered.

"Don't talk nonsense, he is not Josnian's son! You have arrested the wrong person, Josnian's son is in England!"

Qiao Chengfan hid in Ye Jiaqi's arms, terrified.

"Seven seven, seven seven..."

"Small Sail, good boy, it's okay, you sleep." Ye Jiaqi protected him.

"What nonsense, don't care if they are, call Josnian, and it's over!" A tall man roared.

"Yes." Chuhe agreed.

The next second, Ye Jiaqi was grabbed by the arm and dragged from the car.

"Don't grab Xiao Fanfan, let him go, and I'll go with you," Ye Jiaqi shouted.

No one listened to her.

Only then did Ye Jiaqi realize that Chuhe had been close to her for today!

So, he helped her drive away the robbers yesterday, maybe it was also a trap? !
Soon, Ye Jiaqi was brought into an abandoned compound by them.

The yard was piled with weeds and wood, and there was a musty smell everywhere, which was pungent and unpleasant.

"Qiqi, Qiqi..." Qiao Chengfan cried.

(End of this chapter)

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