Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 214 Born With Another Woman

Chapter 214 Born With Another Woman

His little hands tightly grasped the corner of Ye Jiaqi's clothes and refused to let go.

There are teardrops hanging on the face, "pata" "pata" falling down.

"Small Sail, don't cry, Qi Qi is here, don't cry." Ye Jiaqi hugged him distressedly.

At this moment, she was also very frightened and flustered, but she did not forget that she wanted to protect Xiao Safan.

As she said, she will protect him and not let him get hurt in the slightest.

After hearing Ye Jiaqi's words, Qiao Chengfan sniffled and stopped crying.

He is a boy and cannot cry.

"Stop arguing!" Several men became impatient.

They drove Ye Jiaqi and Qiao Chengfan to a gloomy corner and closed the door.

Chuhe took a puff of cigarette and stood.

Ye Jiaqi looked at him with hatred, bit his lip, wishing he could eat him.

What she hates is not kidnapping, but betrayal and abandonment.

"Jiaqi, don't blame me. I lost money in gambling some time ago. If I don't make it within a week, they will ask me for an arm."

Chuhe bent down, raised his hand, and gestured.

Ye Jiaqi was shocked!

"Senior, you were not like this before!"

"Yes, I wasn't like this before, but I can't turn back when I have gone a long way."

"You asked them to let Xiao Fanfan and me go, and I'll help you find Master Qiao."

Chuhe sneered: "I'm not a child. If I want them to let you go, am I still alive? In this capital, what will happen if I offend Master Qiao?"

"Then you still dare to kidnap us?"

"When I get the money, I will go abroad after I pay off the debt, and I won't come back." Chu He smiled, "As long as I don't come back, Josnian can't do anything to me."

This smile is sinister and cunning, with a coldness in it.

Ye Jiaqi shivered, and his spine felt cold.

The only thing she can do is to hold Xiao Safan tight and prevent them from hurting him.

Qiao Chengfan hid in Ye Jiaqi's arms obediently, without making a sound or causing trouble.

"But you caught the wrong person. I'm not Master Qiao's woman, and Xiao Fanfan is not Master Qiao's son. Josnian is not a fool, so why would he give you money?" Ye Jiaqi shouted.

She was like a pet in Josnian's mind, while Xiao Fanfan was just his friend's son.

He's not that stupid yet.

The kidnappers asked for at least 5000 million. How could Josnian's money be used for useless things.

"Isn't Xiao Fanfan the son of Master Qiao?" Chu He sneered, his sarcastic eyes fell on Ye Jiaqi's face, and then at the little thing in her arms.

Ye Jiaqi hugged Xiao Fanfan even tighter, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Come on." Chuhe took a step forward and squatted down, "Little guy, tell your Qiqi, are you Josnian's son?"

Ye Jiaqi's eyes widened and he stared closely at Chuhe.

Is he crazy?

Qiao Chengfan pursed his lips and remained silent.

"Haha!" Chuhe laughed, "Ye Jiaqi, you are so stupid. This little guy lives in Qiao's house every day, and follows Josnian every day. Tell me, he is not Josnian's son?"

With that said, Chuhe touched Qiao Chengfan's face.

Ye Jiaqi hurriedly protected the little guy.

"Don't touch him!"

Chu He smiled indifferently: "Take good care of the calf, Josnian's child born to another woman, are you so protective?"

"Chuhe, I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person. I'm blind." Ye Jiaqi spat.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Qiao Chengfan blinked his big eyes and hid in Ye Jiaqi's arms in fear.

"Xiao Fanfan, don't be afraid." Ye Jiaqi patted the back of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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