Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 215 Put the Small Ones First

Chapter 215 Put the Small Ones First
At this time, several men came over.

One of them was on the phone and kept nodding.

After finishing the call, the man kicked Qiao Chengfan and lifted his chin with his fingers.

"Tsk tsk, Master Qiao's son is quite tender."

"Second, 5000 million is too little. This is Master Qiao's own son."

"I also think, in this way, we will open 8000 million, and the extra 3000 million will be divided privately."

"That's a good idea."

When Chuhe heard it, he couldn't help but said, "Can't you fucking give me more? I followed the man, and I brought it!"

"What are you yelling at? It's not bad to give you 500 million!"

"Well, you bear all the risks, and I'll leave now." Chuhe picked up the box on the ground.

"Get out!" Those men had already seen that Chuhe was not pleasing to the eye, and got in the way.

"Wait, stop him, what will happen if he goes out and tells the story."

"That's right, the second one is more thoughtful, tie him into the house first, and we'll talk about it later." One of them took a puff of cigarette.


Just as Chuhe wanted to resist, one of them tied him up with a rope.

The person who was called "Second Brother" laughed loudly: "If things really come to fruition, your 500 million will also belong to me!"

"Hahaha, developed!"

Several people started laughing.

Ye Jiaqi covered Xiao Fanfan's ears to prevent him from hearing these words.

Children have a good memory and cannot leave a psychological shadow.

But, Qiao Josnian's son?

No, it's impossible, Qiao Chengfan called Josnian uncle.

"Little thing, do you have your father's phone number?" The man tugged Qiao Chengfan and pulled him out of Ye Jiaqi's arms.

"No..." Qiao Chengfan shook his head and refused to say.

Ye Jiaqi wanted to hug Qiao Chengfan, but was kicked by the man and fell to the ground.

"Don't touch Xiao Fanfan, I'll call Josnian." Ye Jiaqi was in a hurry.

Her little face is full of fear and uneasiness, no one can touch Xiao Safan!
"Okay, you fight." The man dismissed it.

Ye Jiaqi took out his phone from his bag, and the man stared at her intently.

Trembling, she dialed Josnian's number.

"Master Qiao!"

Ye Jiaqi's voice was panicked and choked.

"what happened?"

"Xiao Safan and I were kidnapped..."

Before she finished speaking, the man snatched her mobile phone.

"Master Qiao, your woman and son are in our hands, the big one is 1000 million, and the small one is 8000 million. Pay with one hand, and with the other!"

Josnian's eyes froze, exuding a gloomy chill.

Tired of living?
"Why do you think those are my woman and my son?" Josnian walked out of the group and walked to the underground parking lot.

"Haha, since you want money, this kind of thing will definitely be investigated, right?"

"Put the little one first."

"Master Qiao, you can do whatever you want, but you can let it go, it's as small as 8000 million." The man rubbed his chin and smiled sinisterly.

Ye Jiaqi heard it all. She bit her lip and still held Xiao Fanfan tightly in her arms.

Her face was as white as white paper.

Xiao Fanfan tugged at her sleeves, leaned her head against her chest, and showed fear in her big eyes.


Josnian's tone was gloomy and his face was extremely ugly.

"I'll send it later, and someone will respond."

"I will prepare 8000 million, I repeat, let the small one go!"

"OK, Master Qiao is refreshing."

The man put down his phone and sent Josnian the address.

Tsk tsk, doing business with Master Qiao is really neat.

(End of this chapter)

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