Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 217 The woman who served him

Chapter 217 The woman who served him
Behind him, a layer of cold sweat broke out.

She held her breath and listened to their conversation.

"Josnian's speed is quite fast, the little thing is released?"

"Pay money with one hand, and hand over people with one hand."

"Has the money been checked?"

"Tested, no problem."

"Well, let the brothers know that they are ready to withdraw! As for the others, the person in the room will take the blame for us! Haha!"

Ye Jiaqi knew they were referring to Chuhe.

"Okay." The man responded respectfully.

The second brother lit a cigarette: "By the way, where is the money?"

"Back there brothers, they'll be here soon."

"Josnian didn't fart at all?"

"Well, I left with my son. After all, to Master Qiao, 8000 million is just a drop in the bucket."

"Haha, then this woman is really worthless in his eyes, even 1000 million, tsk tsk." He kicked Ye Jiaqi again.

Ye Jiaqi's heart had already been let go.

Xiao Fanfan is fine.

As for her, she will be punished for doing something wrong, which should be her punishment.

In Josnian's heart, it was impossible for her to be worth 1000 million.

"Second brother, 1000 million is too high, we can try to talk again, 500 million."

The second brother thought for a while and took a puff of cigarette: "You are right, 500 million...Maybe Josnian is willing to give it."

"You're overthinking it. I'm worthless in Josnian's heart." Ye Jiaqi sneered.

"Hey, Master Qiao is so ruthless, after all, she's also the woman who served him, so she's worthless?" The second elder brother was annoyed.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it." Ye Jiaqi smiled.

"Second brother, try it."

"Forget it, don't try, retreat quickly, if Josnian finds him, it will be over!" The second brother shouted, "Call the brothers and tell them to come back quickly."


But, at this moment, Ye Jiaqi's cell phone rang!

In an empty place, the phone rings like a ghost, which is particularly scary.

Everyone was taken aback, especially those men wearing hoods.

Ye Jiaqi's heart skipped a beat, and his palms were covered with sweat.

For a moment, everyone was terrified.

The man took Ye Jiaqi's phone, it turned out to be Josnian's phone.

He turned on the speakerphone, and Josnian's deep, cold voice came out.

"What about the big one?"

"Second brother, look, I just said, this woman is so beautiful, there is no way Master Qiao would not want it." The man lowered his voice flatteringly, "Second brother, make an offer."

Ye Jiaqi suddenly wanted to laugh, shouldn't she be glad that Josnian still has a heart?

The second brother smiled triumphantly: "Master Qiao, are you still thinking about the big one? Ten million."

"Ten million is fine, but I have to make sure whether this woman is worth my ten million." Josnian sneered.

Ye Jiaqi heard it, Josnian... What do you mean? ? ?
"Master Qiao, don't you understand your own woman?"

"Call her."


The second brother handed the phone to Ye Jiaqi's ear.

"Josnian." Ye Jiaqi yelled, his voice choked up, "I'm sorry, I will take responsibility for what I did wrong."

"Want me to save you?"

"..." Ye Jiaqi clenched his lips.

Everyone is afraid of death, and she is also afraid.

"beg me."

"Master Qiao, do I have to beg you?"

She didn't expect that he would ask her to beg her in front of these people.

This is the same as asking her to take off her clothes in public!
Ye Jiaqi bit his lip, and clenched it tightly.

My heart seemed to stop beating, and I felt like there were thousands of bees buzzing around my ears.

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(End of this chapter)

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