Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 218 Say You Love Me If You Don't Beg Me

Chapter 218 Say You Love Me If You Don't Beg Me
beg him?

Hehe, Ye Jiaqi's lips curled into a sneer.

After a long delay in getting a response, Josnian became impatient: "Ye Jiaqi, your face is very valuable, isn't it?"

"Is it because you won't give them money if I don't ask you?" Ye Jiaqi's lips overflowed with despair.

Really, desperate.

Josnian is such a person, he will kick you when you are in trouble, to add insult to injury.

He is meaner than a kidnapper.

He was never heartless.

Cold-blooded, ruthless executioner!
"If you don't want to beg me, just say you love me, you fucking choose!" Josnian was angry.

Josnian roared like a lion, and in an instant, the surroundings fell into silence!
Ye Jiaqi is not a desperate person, she wants to live.

Three years ago, she had suffered so much humiliation, why shouldn't she live?

Begging him... It's not a big deal to sleep with him.

After a long time, she bit her lip and spoke slowly.

"Master Qiao, I beg you, please give the kidnapper 1000 million and save my life."

"Damn it." Josnian cursed in a low voice.

Tears welled up in Ye Jiaqi's eyes. She no longer had dignity in front of him.

He was right, she was a pet, a pet that made him happy.

What she has to do is to make him happy, not to trouble him.

As a pet, she has no dignity at all.

While Ye Jiaqi was waiting for Josnian's response, suddenly——

The phone is hung up!
Just when her heart was cold, two "bang bang" gunshots were fired! !

"Ah!" Ye Jiaqi covered his ears and shouted.

The sound of the gun was right next to her ears, and she even felt someone falling down beside her!

"Miss Ye."

One of the men in a black hood took off his hood and helped Ye Jiaqi take off the cloth.

Ye Jiaqi's eyes couldn't adapt to the light all of a sudden, so they narrowed slightly.

In a daze, she saw a familiar figure, Meng Chen?

And the man called "Second Brother" was shot dead by Meng Chen!
"Meng...Mr. Meng, why are you here?" Ye Jiaqi wrung his hands uneasily and looked at him.

Meng Chen helped her up, and stood respectfully with his hands down: "Master Qiao is here too."


Ye Jiaqi didn't react all of a sudden.

By the time she realized it, Josnian had already walked in.

He was wearing a black windbreaker, his steps were steady, his face was extremely gloomy, as if it had been iced, and his eyes were full of infinite chill.

His cold gaze locked on her face, like a knife gouging out her face!
Ye Jiaqi panicked!
So, they...

"You lied to me? Did you direct and act?" Ye Jiaqi grabbed the wall and his legs went limp.

Meng Chen said, "No."

Ye Jiaqi glanced at the bloody corpse on the ground, she didn't think so either.

So, when did Meng Chen and the others come?
Meng Chen saw Ye Jiaqi's doubts, and explained: "After we redeemed the young master, we wiped out them and surrounded this place. So, we just caught a turtle in a jar."

Ye Jiaqi understood instantly!
So, in that phone call just now, was Josnian playing tricks on her? !
"Fuck!" She couldn't hold back.

He gave Josnian a hard look.

Up to now, there is a layer of cold sweat behind her, and her hands are shaking.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, and her legs softened before she realized what she had experienced.

Josnian walked up to Ye Jiaqi, raised her chin with his slender fingers, his whole body was cold, and his face was gloomy.

"You're not as cute when you scold me as when you beg me."

(End of this chapter)

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