Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 220 I still love to cry

Chapter 220 I still love to cry
Ye Jiaqi was surrounded by him on the back seat, unable to move.

Her eyelashes drooped instantly, and there was mist in her eyes.

"Master Qiao, I'm sorry, you should pay the price for doing something wrong." Ye Jiaqi lowered his eyelids, "In the future... I will never see Xiao Fanfan again."

She made a lot of determination.

I haven't known the little guy for a long time, but the little guy has long been in her heart.

Now, saying these words is tantamount to stabbing a knife in my heart.

"This time, it was my negligence, and I am willing to take responsibility." She spoke every word, very calmly.

"Responsible? These two words are really easy to say. Ye Jiaqi, what are you responsible for?"

Josnian wrapped her in his arms, and his hot breath brushed her face.

Ye Jiaqi looked at him, his eyes were red.

"I..." Her eyes turned red.

She really...has nothing to give Xiao Safan.

Yeah, what is she responsible for?
"Ye Jiaqi, I've raised you for 12 years. I don't know who you are?" Josnian glanced at her, "Irresponsible woman!"

"I didn't!" Ye Jiaqi tensed his neck to distinguish, very anxious!
She grabbed Josnian's arm and grabbed it hard.

She is not such a person!She is not irresponsible!
"I really don't know how to be responsible. If I can't see Xiao Safan again, I won't even have the chance to treat him well."

As he spoke, Ye Jiaqi cried.

Tears wet the long eyelashes, "pat" "pat" fell down, and a light mist covered the big eyes.

Her eyes were red, but her hands were still tightly clutching Josnian.

In fact, she hopes to have a chance to make up for it.

"Still love to cry." Josnian's tone softened.

He reached out and wiped away her tears with his thumb.

When his warm fingertips touched her delicate skin, Ye Jiaqi shuddered slightly.

"Master Qiao, can you give me a chance to make amends? I was wrong, really wrong, and I shouldn't trust others."

There was apology in her eyes.

She doesn't want to be separated from Xiao Safan...

"Opportunity? It's not impossible." Josnian paused after speaking.

Ye Jiaqi looked up at him, with white mist in his eyes: "What? Maybe I can do it..."

Josnian freed one hand and grabbed a document from the co-pilot's seat.

He threw it to Ye Jiaqi.

"After you signed the adoption agreement last time, be responsible to Xiao Fanfan!"

Josnian had a serious and serious temper, and his tone was cold.

"I don't need to sign with Mr. Ye?"

"If you want to sign with Mr. Ye, sign with Mr. Ye. I'll call him now." Josnian's tone was a little impatient.

"No." Ye Jiaqi quickly explained that she knew that Josnian had a bad temper, "I just want to inform Mr. Ye..."

Josnian stopped talking and looked at her.

Ye Jiaqi took the agreement and dodged his eyes: "Master Qiao, can you get up for a while? I can't sign it if you're like this."

Josnian let her go.

Close the door, the car is quiet, only the two of them.

She had read the agreement last time, and she barely understood it.

She didn't bother to turn over this time.

"Master Qiao, I have a question..."

"Say." Josnian tapped the seat with his fingers.

"The kidnapper said today that Xiao Fanfan is your son." Ye Jiaqi looked solemn.

"Oh?" Josnian said lightly, "You believe what they say? With your IQ, I don't think you can sign this agreement."

(End of this chapter)

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