Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 221 I will be nice to Xiao Fanfan in the future

Chapter 221 I will be nice to Xiao Fanfan in the future
With that said, Josnian took the agreement from her hand.

Ye Jiaqi rushed forward and covered his hands to prevent him from taking it!

"Don't take it, I was wrong." Ye Jiaqi admitted his mistake.

Josnian was right, she believed even Chuhe, she was a fool.

The kidnapper also said that she was his woman, so she couldn't believe it.

Seeing her pressing down on the agreement like a kitten, Josnian's lips twitched: "A wooden head."

Ye Jiaqi felt aggrieved, but she couldn't speak of her suffering. She was at fault for today's matter.

"Master Qiao, can you not tell Mr. Ye about today's matter? If Mr. Ye knew, he would have skinned me."

Today's situation is too serious.

"Ye Jiaqi, you know that too?" Josnian's eyes flashed with unknown cruelty.

"I know I was wrong, don't tell Mr. Ye, otherwise Mr. Ye will definitely not let me get close to Xiao Fanfan."

"Buy me." Josnian looked at her.

"I'll give you two boxes of...condoms for free?"

"Fuck!" Josnian couldn't hold back.


Taking advantage of his repentance, Ye Jiaqi quickly picked up the pen and signed his name in several places that should be signed.

"Ye Jiaqi, Ye Jiaqi..." She read as she signed.

I flipped through several pages and signed many places.

There was a thick stack of documents, and Ye Jiaqi signed wherever he signed.

The sun shone in from the window, and the colorful light fell on her delicate face, making her white and elegant even more.

"Ye Jiaqi, look carefully before you sign!" Josnian said with a warning in his tone.

"Didn't Lawyer Wang explain everything? Haven't you read it too? Mr. Ye won't lie to me."


"All right!"

After signing the last one, Ye Jiaqi put away his pen, feeling a little better.

"I will treat Xiao Fanfan well in the future and treat him as my own son." Ye Jiaqi said seriously.

"Being your own son?" Josnian sneered.

For an instant, Ye Jiaqi's smile froze on his face.

She bit her lip and stopped talking.

She didn't want to mention the child in front of Josnian. Once she mentioned it, it was like uncovering the scar, dripping with blood.

"Master Qiao, this give it to Mr. Ye?" Ye Jiaqi handed him the document.

Josnian took it and flipped through it casually. Indeed, she signed everything that should be signed.

Of course, where she shouldn't have signed... she also signed.

Law blind.

He closed it and threw the folder aside.

Seeing that Josnian didn't call her back, Ye Jiaqi was a little embarrassed.

"Master Qiao, where is Xiao Safan? I want to see him..." She was a little nervous.

"Meng Chen took him to buy candy."

When Ye Jiaqi heard this, he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Xiao Fanfan, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." Ye Jiaqi said several times, his face full of guilt.

Looking at her guilty little face, Josnian became a little annoyed.

"You're sorry for me." Josnian gave her a cold look.

Suddenly, his body became very hot, and nameless anger rose in his heart.

He opened the window and lit a cigarette.

The smell of smoke soon enveloped the quiet compartment.

"I'm unforgivable for what happened this time, and I won't do it again." Ye Jiaqi was about to cry.

Josnian sneered and remained silent.

The faint smell of tobacco filled the air, and Ye Jiaqi lowered his head, wringing his hands uneasily.

Josnian still cared.

But she didn't think she was sorry for him, obviously three years ago...

Ye Jiaqi's heart felt cold and he didn't want to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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