Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 222 Introducing the wolf into the room, I don't know what to do

Chapter 222 Introducing the wolf into the room, I don't know what to do

Josnian stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand, got into the driver's seat, and drove himself.

The Rolls-Royce drove away slowly.

The long period of calmness in the car made Ye Jiaqi gradually calm down.

When he didn't speak, she leaned against the car window and said nothing.

Soon, the car drove out of this remote area, and the street became lively. Ye Jiaqi felt that everything that happened in the morning was like a dream.

"Master Qiao." She sat in the back and looked at his profile.

"Huh?" He didn't have much expression on his face, and the end of his voice was light.

"You... Did you know that Chuhe is not a good person?"

Because he warned her not to associate with Chuhe.

At that time, she didn't take his words to heart.


"Why are you scolding me again?"

"I scolded me wrong?"

Ye Jiaqi rubbed his temples aggrievedly and remained silent.

Seeing her drooping face, Josnian spoke coldly.

"He's just a company manager, but he dared to enter the biggest casino in the capital. He knew that I was worth a lot of money the first time he saw me, and wanted to take the opportunity to blackmail me."


Ye Jiaqi thought about it, the first time he saw Josnian...

At that time, it was in Yipin Seafood Restaurant.

She ran into Chuhe by chance, and Josnian came in later.

However, if she remembers correctly... Isn't he drunk?

"It's just that he didn't think I was Josnian." He explained lightly.

Ye Jiaqi lowered his long eyelashes: "He's quite courageous."

In this capital, who would dare to mess with Josnian?
"He is bold, you are leading a wolf into the house, you don't know what to do!" Josnian reprimanded him coldly.

"You already knew it, right? So when we met for the first time, you told him that you are my husband, just to lie to him?"

Ye Jiaqi remembered everything about that night.

He said he was her husband!

Oh shit!

It turned out that this man had set a trap early on, just waiting for Chuhe to jump!
In other words, he was watching her joke with cold eyes?
Josnian stopped talking, specious.

Ye Jiaqi couldn't figure out his temper, and felt a little angry: "Then why didn't you tell me earlier? If you tell me, I won't be in contact with Chuhe again!"

"Let you have a longer memory."

"But... have you ever thought about Xiao Safan? What if he makes a mistake? You don't know how pitiful he is when he's scared and hides in my arms!"

Ye Jiaqi was eloquent and complained!
Josnian sneered, disapproving.

Such a timid person deserves to be his Josnian's son?

There was a chill on Josnian's thin lips, and his voice was as cold as ice: "When I was three years old, I even saw murder."

"Josnian, you are you, Xiao Fanfan is Xiao Fanfan, you can control your own son like this, but don't scare Xiao Fanfan like this!"

"You really protect the calf!"

"I signed the agreement, and Xiao Fanfan is my baby." Ye Jiaqi retorted him.

Josnian sneered again.

If Josnian didn't speak, Ye Jiaqi didn't know what to say.

I always feel... a little awkward.

After a long time, she looked at him again and asked, "We came out in the morning, did you get someone to follow?"

"if not?"

"Thank you."

If he hadn't sent someone to follow secretly, I'm afraid he wouldn't have subdued the gangster so quickly.

Josnian has always been fast, accurate, ruthless, and vicious in his work.

Otherwise, he would not establish a firm foundation in the capital.

She has always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. She thanked Josnian for this matter, but that was all.

"Did those gangsters do anything to Xiao Safan?"

(End of this chapter)

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