Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 225 Really, it hurts to death

Chapter 225 Really, it hurts to death
"You said that."

Josnian's tone was a little heavy, his jaw line tightened suddenly, and his eyes were deep and deep.

"Yes." Ye Jiaqi replied vaguely.

She didn't dare to confront Josnian yet.


Josnian stop!
The tires rubbed against the ground, making a loud noise.

"Hey!" Ye Jiaqi lost his seat and bumped his head into the co-pilot's seat!

Touching her head, it hurt so much, she gasped.

"Get out of the car!" Josnian frowned coldly, his tone was heartless and cold.

"It's here?" Ye Jiaqi didn't know why.

Why did she piss him off again?fault.

Josnian straightened his back, and the tailored suit fit him tightly, adding a lot of chills.

Ye Jiaqi glanced at him, confused, angry?angry with her?

However, she couldn't see any emotion in his eyes.

Ye Jiaqi didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and after muttering "The technology is terrible", he got out of the car sullenly.

Looking up, this is neither a place to take pictures nor a place to do documents, so? ? ?
Just when she was about to turn around, Josnian stepped on the accelerator and walked away!

Oh shit!

Ye Jiaqi became angry and threw the bag out of his hand!
It's just that it didn't hit his car.

What a problem!What a temper!
How could his wife and son bear it?

"Crazy Josnian!" She cursed!
After scolding a few times, she still felt sorry for her bag, and walked over to pick it up again.

The big eyes were covered with a hazy mist.

Stretching out his hand, wiping it, Ye Jiaqi walked aimlessly on the road.

I agreed to go through the formalities, but now I am not going.

After going through the formalities, she felt at ease.

With people coming and going on the side of the road, Ye Jiaqi felt very sorry for himself.

It's hard to be angry with him.

As a result, I accidentally sprained my left foot!
"Hey!" Ye Jiaqi was throbbing with pain, and limped on the platform chair.

She lowered her head and rubbed her ankle.


Ye Jiaqi frowned.

The autumn wind blows on the face, as cold as the river in February.

This scene seems familiar.

She used to be afraid of dogs, especially big, fierce dogs.

Once, on the way back from school, a wolf dog broke free from the rope and ran towards her viciously.

She was so frightened that her seven souls lost her six souls. The dog chased after her, but she ran ahead!
Run and run, run out of breath.

Just when she thought the wolfdog was going to bite her neck off, a car stopped behind her, and Meng Chen immediately jumped out and subdued the wolfdog.

She breathed a sigh of relief at that time, but her legs were still shaking and her ankle was sprained.

His face was pale and his lips trembled.

Just when her legs were weak and she almost fell, a pair of big hands wrapped around her waist and picked her up!
"Joe, Master Qiao..." She hooked his neck, and looked at him timidly with watery eyes.

"It's useless to scare a dog like this."

"It's so big, it can bite!" She explained!

She didn't want to admit that she was useless!
"If you don't run, it will chase you?"



He put her on the seat, his pretty brows furrowed: "Where is the injury?"

"I sprained my foot and dislocated it." She was wronged and yelled in pain.

He hooked the corners of his lips, stretched out his hand, and pulled up the bottom of her jeans, with a sudden force.

Only the sound of "click" and "click" was heard, and the bones were connected!

"You kill!"

She burst into tears from the pain, and yelled!
Really, it hurts!

"Longer memory." He put down his trousers for her.

(End of this chapter)

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