Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 226 The appearance of the naked

Chapter 226 The appearance of the naked

At that time, his face was extremely calm, but when he saw her crying in pain, there was a flickering light in his eyes.

Ye Jiaqi couldn't stand the pain, so he bent down and bit his shoulder hard.

Josnian frowned and glanced at her.

"Let's have a long memory together." Ye Jiaqi was unconvinced and gritted his teeth.

It really hurts, and it turned out he was watching a joke.

Josnian smiled lightly, and raised her chin with his fingers: "Bite me? Why is it worse than that wolfhound just now? Huh?"

"I don't have a long memory. Next time I see a wolf dog, I will still run away." She said angrily.

"Okay, then next time, I will wait to collect your body."

The tone is dull, cold-blooded, and ruthless.

After that, Josnian straightened up and sat down beside her.

She was still angry and deliberately sat far away.

At this time, the cool wind slapped her face, and there were fewer and fewer people at the bus stop.

Ye Jiaqi rubbed his ankle lightly, his eyes were already red.

The pain was still the same, but my heart was numb and I lost consciousness.

Over the years, it was easy to think of Josnian in everything.She knew that the 12 years that she had the best memory were all marked by him.

Three years ago, her relationship with Josnian was over.

Like a red thread, suddenly, it was broken, and it was impossible to connect it again.

No longer.

Ye Jiaqi lowered his head and gently stroked her ankle, her long hair hanging down her shoulders.

The black and soft hair was raised slightly, revealing her pale side face slightly.

"Hey, who am I? Looking at it from a distance, I thought it was a dog lying on a chair."

A blue BMW stopped by the platform with its windows half down.

Fang Lan leaned proudly on the steering wheel, her face with makeup was enchanting and sexy.

The familiar voice passed through the eardrums, and Ye Jiaqi looked up.

"Fang Lan? I said it sounded like I heard a dog barking." Ye Jiaqi raised his head and smiled.

Today, I really didn't look at the almanac when I went out.

"Ye Jiaqi, it's pitiful to be alone, do you want me to see you off?"

"I dare not get on the car on Huangquan Road."

The two looked at each other, as if they had been iced.

Fang Lan laughed loudly: "By the way, you have been with Master Qiao for so many years, and he didn't give you a car to drive? Then you sold it for nothing. Do you want me to find you some new sponsors?"

"You may not be much better than me. The person you like is your brother-in-law. You feel very upset?"

Ye Jiaqi sneered.

"I need to tell you if I'm happy?" Fang Lan glanced at her contemptuously, "I see that you look pale, maybe it's because you sold too much at night?"

"Then I see your disheveled appearance, which man's bed did you just get out of?"

Ye Jiaqi really didn't want to argue with Fang Lan.

However, this woman doesn't have a long memory.

Why bother.

"Ye Jiaqi, don't try to be brave with me, you will cry someday." Fang Lan raised the corners of her lips, still dismissive.

"Fang Lan, your sister is in England, but you and Master Qiao returned to the capital. Isn't your selfishness a little too obvious? Are you afraid that your sister will hate you?"

Ye Jiaqi exposed her unceremoniously.

"Ye Jiaqi, it's not your turn to worry about my family affairs."

"Then leave me alone! Get lost!" Ye Jiaqi looked at her indifferently.

"Like a shrew, being prostituted by a man for nothing? Hmph!"

Fang Lan stepped on the accelerator, ignored Ye Jiaqi, and walked away!

This time, although Fang Lan didn't do anything, Ye Jiaqi still felt uncomfortable.

 (Chapter 05 is updated at 30:[-] in the afternoon, remember to vote for recommendation, five-star praise~)


(End of this chapter)

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