Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 227 The future of love, the years are too late

Chapter 227 The future of love, the years are too late

After rubbing my ankle, I finally felt much better.

Today happened to be Saturday, and she remembered that stranger on Weibo asked her to buy a ring last night.

Turn on the phone and find SJC.

small oranges. :Are you there?I happen to be free today and I want to help you look at the ring.

There was no immediate reply.

After a while, the phone rang.

SJC: Good.

small oranges. : What do you want.

SJC: I trust your aesthetic.

small oranges. :yes?Hehe, some people say I have bad taste.

SJC: ...

Ye Jiaqi was quite happy. Finally, someone thought that her aesthetics were not bad.

She also thinks it's okay.

But, since she was a child, Josnian said that she has poor aesthetics, bad taste, and low level!
small oranges. : You have a good eye, you can spot a Maxima like me.

SJC: ...

small oranges. : I'm in a bad mood today, I'm going to see the ring, it should feel better.

SJC: What's wrong.

small oranges. : Some people are born to be nemesis.

SJC: ...

small oranges. : Why do you always like to post this "...".

SJC: Nothing.

Ye Jiaqi laughed. Some people have really special habits.

small oranges. : You asked me to help you choose the ring, is it to surprise your wife?

SJC: ...

small oranges. : Why are you looking for me?We haven't seen each other, you trust me so much?
SJC: First feeling.

small oranges. : Men still believe this?

SJC: ...

Ye Jia hoped to God, this man's words were really simple, and he cherished his words like gold.

Will typing more words make you pregnant?Really.

small oranges. : I picked out the photos and sent them to you.

SJC: Hmm.

small oranges. : Really, in fact, you can choose by yourself, which is more sincere.

SJC: I don't really understand girls' minds.

small oranges. : Well, I understand.

SJC: I invite you to dinner when I have time.

small oranges. : No need, it's a matter of little effort, just make your wife happy.

Ye Jiaqi was not a nosy person, but she really hadn't bought a ring before. She wanted to see if the ring was beautiful and there were many styles.

SJC: ...

Ye Jiaqi didn't reply to him anymore, this man really cherished words like gold.

Clicking on his Weibo, he actually posted an unprecedented one this morning.

SJC: "To be so stupid is also the failure of my tutor."


Ye Jiaqi didn't understand.

He's complaining about his wife again?So, is his wife really stupid?Or complain about his son and daughter?

She didn't want to be nosy, she was a stranger after all.

When his ankle got better, Ye Jiaqi put away his phone, took a taxi and went to the counter.

If she remembers correctly, the diamond rings here are expensive, the only one in the capital, and the price is astonishing, not something she can buy.

She stood outside, stooping, gazing at the diamond rings in the glass display case.

There are all kinds of diamond rings on the exquisite silk and satin, including petals, water drops, and geometry.

The rhinestones on it are extraordinarily finely cut, shining with luster and good color.

It's so beautiful you can't take your eyes off it.

Ye Jiaqi put his hand on the cold glass and looked at the ring without moving.

It's so pretty, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

If SJC hadn't asked her to help choose the ring this time, she probably would never have come to such a place in her life.

For her love, the future is gone.

It was like a gust of wind, blowing gently, taking away her age and youth, but leaving nothing for her.

The infatuated love when I was young was just a dream.

I didn't wake up at that time, but now I have an epiphany.

The future of love, the years are too late.

Ye Jiaqi held the corner of his lips sourly.

 (Thanks to "Acridine~Professor Yang", "Drag", "Continuous rain", "Tired heart", "◆◇Sparkling ╮" and so on for the rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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